Shield's Soul

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"Are you, Skye and R2 in position?" Anakin said over his comm link

"Yeah we're on the left side of the West corridor. Thanks for trusting me with this...after I shot Quinn...Coulson and May have questioned my judgment."

"Trust me Ward. I can relate to your position more than anyone else. I know you're capable of navigating tight spots. Besides this last minute change in strategy will keep Agent Hand guessing and ensure Agent Triplett has no escape if he is the mole working for the Clairvoyant. Ahsoka will be waiting for you guys as soon as you cut the power."

"Understood. May be the Force be with you." Ward said

"May the Force be with you." Anakin replied before signing off

"Skye I understand if you want May to be your SO and continue your training. I shouldn't have shot Quinn, I didn't set a good example for you by doing that." Ward apologized

"You don't need to apologize besides we have a mission to complete. Anakin is counting on us." Skye said

"That's exactly why we're having this conversation now. There are 12 level 5 Shield Agents outside of this closet. If it were 12 random criminals or even B1 battle droids I'd have a chance. But it's likely I'm not going to make it and you and R2 will have to reach the control panel at the end of the hall."

Skye started crying, "Ward don't talk like that. We aren't going to fail and you aren't going to die. I know you can do this because you're the best Agent since Black Widow joined Shield. We are going to get through this together."

"I'd be doing you a disservice if I continued to be your SO. If you knew the real me, you wouldn't like what you see."

"You're wrong. You're not just my SO. I love you Ward. Screw Shield protocols. We need each other more than ever." Skye said before kissing him

Ward startled soon returned the kiss. Then said, "Thank you. You're right. I love you too. We'll get through this together."

R2D2 didn't beep but his lights blinked in alternating colors surprised by the kiss. Ward smiled as he got to his feet, "Get ready to move after I take stun the first four agents."

Skye nodded as she stood behind Ward. R2D2 stopped blinking and positioned himself behind Skye. She opened the closet door and Ward shot 6 agents in successive order. One of the Agents punched him as he saw Skye and R2 race to the end of the hallway where the panel was. Ward grabbed a railing and swung his legs up to kick the agent who punched him in the chest and stop him from getting to Skye and R2. Then he leapt in the air off the railing and kicked two nearby agents in the face. He flipped a nearby agent over his back onto the ground and knocked him out. Then grabbed a knife from the unconcious agent and threw it at the neck of an agent attempting to attack him from behind.

"Power should be out in one minute. R2 is working on the control panel. I just finished decrypting it." Skye said into Ward's comm link


Garrett smirked as he finished putting handcuffs on May while she scowled. The Shield tactical team raised their weapons at her, Coulson and Fitz. Fitz was nervous but managed to avoid breaking down into tears.

"Are you going to kill us?" Fitz asked

"That wasn't my original plan. Up until today it was always about keeping the secret. Making you think Hand was involved. Strangely enough she's suspected me for months. Galaxy she's been very paranoid since the Clone Wars started and it intensified when Sergeant Slick was exposed as a Seperatist agent. Who knew a genetically bred Clone would figure out the winninv team to fight for?" Garrett explained

"Terrorists lead be a wannabe dictator is the team you chose and that's not a winning formula John. I know Dooku made lots of speeches on the Holo Net before leaving the United Republic but I didn't think they moved you to want to join his side." Coulson said bitterly

"Well Phil...I'm not a true believer. Like I said I just think Dooku is more likely to win the Clone Wars than you guys. Come on Phil it doesn't have to be like this. We go way back to our days at the Academy when Fury taught us how to sweep corners and split the pie with weapons that would make a Mandalorian uncomfortable." Garrett said with a laugh

"Fury would bury you for betraying Shield." Coulson threatened

"He isn't gonna be able to do that because top brass took care of him. He'll be rolling in his grave for asking too many questions."

"Top brass? More people at Shield are involved in this...betrayal?" May asked shocked

"Oh yeah tip top brass in fact. It's the only reason Dooku didn't kill me for having him kidnapped by pirates and failing to stop Hand from pretending to be me. She almost killed that old geezer even though he's got Jedi powers. Vic is one dangerous Shield Agent. But alas before I kill her I'm going to have to kill you and Coulson. Ironic that you'll die without forgiving one another over the fact you lied to him May." Garrett taunted

"I lied to Coulson to keep him safe on Director Fury's orders! You lied because you're a selfish pig that wanted a piece of the power that Dooku had. You didn't care who you had to hurt to get it." May shot back

Garrett laughed.

"Wow so sanctimonious. Definitely going to kill you first May. So how about it kid? Dooku would value you greatly. His deluxe droids are formidable specially the Commando droids but they're expensive to make. Your tech skills are incredibly impressive and could help make the droids stronger. Dooku would not only spare you he'd spare Simmons. You'd be a high ranking member of Hydra with your own research facility. Come on kid you're not gonna pass that up to die with these two? That'd be crazy."

"I would never work for you or Count Dooku in a million years. I will happily die for Shield, die for the Republic and die for my friends." Fitz said with tears running down his face

"That's unfortunate kid. What a waste. Well Phil any last words before these guys shoot you."

"You won't win. Even though I'm dead, Fury's dead, May's dead and the rest of my team are dead along with all the Clones and the Jedi...Shield's Soul will exist in any Shield Agent who survives this Hydra takeover. They'll fight with every breath they have to make sure you don't win. To make sure you pay for what you've done. To be a Shield of protection for the Republic." Coulson threatened

Garrett laughed, "As corny as that speech was it explains why the kid over here is willing to die for you even though he's a tech guy with no combat experience. It's gonna suck for Fitz seeing you die after May does. Alright gentlemen aim your blasters at May."

Before they could fire their weapons the lights went out.

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now