Here's Hondo

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Anakin woke up and realized he was chained to Count Dooku and Master Obi Wan Kenobi in a cell within a rundown compound. Anakin looked around and realized Skye was gone and Padme was missing. He wondered if this was a strange nightmare. One moment he was with his childhood best friend and keeping an eye on his secret wife Padme. The next he was chained to Dooku, and his former Master Obi Wan Kenobi. The last time the three of them were in the same area at the same time was the first battle of the Clone Wars a few months ago. The Battle of Geonosis was where Obi Wan and Anakin fought Dooku and Dooku cut off Anakin's arm. Anakin glared at Dooku and tried to get to his feet to attack the elderly Sith Lord but struggled to move.

"Young are not fit to be a teacher if you think you can escape chains designed specifically to hold Force Sensitives like us." Dooku criticized

"Don't you dare reference Ahsoka's name. You vile piece of human garbage." Anakin threatened

"I merely stated the facts. Honestly Master Kenobi have you taught this young man anything? How did he ever become a Jedi Knight?" Dooku asked

"Anakin being stubborn has nothing to do with my teaching ability. And criticizing Anakin's status as a Knight is a bit odd coming from someone who wants to destroy all Jedi." Obi Wan joked

"At the moment. I don't want to destroy you. I need your help to escape. Humor won't work in this situation Master Kenobi. A plan is what's needed to get free from our captors." Dooku reasoned

"And who are our captors and how in the galaxy did they catch us?" Anakin asked

"What Count Dooku is failing to mention is that his operative who call themselves the Clairvoyant has betrayed him. The Clairvoyant used Raina another Seperatist operative as bait to lure the Count into a position to be drugged and captured by pirates. The great Sith Lord and the leader of the Separatist military fooled by his own servant." Obi Wan explained with a laugh

"You laugh yet you and your former student were also deceived by the Clairvoyant. All three of us are in grave danger if we don't strategically form an escape plan." Dooku warned

"They're pirates Dooku. Its obvious the Clairvoyant hasn't been effective at helping the Seperatist movement. The Clairvoyant is worried about becoming a victim of your wrath. So they hired pirates to kidnap you out of desperation. There are no superhumans to protect the Clairvoyant so he hired pirates that just steal from different places looking for a big score. They have no interest in picking a fight with Jedi." Anakin said dismissively

"This isn't an ordinary gang. This is the pirate gang run by Hondo Ohnaka. His gang is feared amongst the criminal underworld. They are devious and deceitful, and most importantly...reckless." Dooku argued

"It's a wonder you don't get along with them. You have so much in common." Obi Wan joked

24 hours earlier

Simmons sat across from Coulson in an outdoor cafe near Padme and Raina. She looked sad and disgusted about something. Coulson was confused and asked Simmons if everything was alright.

"No father. It's not alright. It hurts me to see you like this. Always on another assignment from your job where you conduct research in remote areas like Ryloth/Algeria. How could you father?
I know you and my mother never could connect on an emotional level. Yet I thought you'd at least be there for me. I'm your oldest child and you're only daughter who like you is pursuing a career in research. Yet I spend time with the rest of our family. My twin brothers who are young teenagers need their father! But you chose Twi'lek prostitutes over them at a Rylothian nightclub!" Simmons cried out in sorrow with fake tears

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now