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Skye's recovery was remarkable and devoid of any side effects unlike Coulson's recovery after the Battle of New York/Lothal. The secret laboratory known as the Guest House according to Fury's encrypted files was also linked to the islands of Kamimo/Fiji. The same set of islands where Captain Rex and his fellow Clones were created from the DNA of infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett. The Kaminoians secretly aided Fury in his quest to save Coulson's life in the aftermath of the Battle of New York/Lothal. They did this by isolating a compound within the corpse of an alien of unknown origin discovered by Shield while they were searching for Steve Rogers after his disappearance in World War II. The compound was called GH325 and was injected into Skye's arm. Once it hit her bloodstream her blasterbolt wounds healed and after a brief moment of cardiac arrest where she died for one minute her heart restarted and she was alive.

All of this was a lot for Skye to take in. Including the fact brothers of Captain Rex died fighting to prevent General Grievous and his droid army from taking over Kamino/Fiji. Entering the Guest House triggered a protocol that deactivated the security codes for Kamino/Fiji. Normally there would be two guards under a specific clearance of level 10 directly given to them by Director Fury to cancel the deactivation. This would be a way to alert the Kaminoians without anyone within Shield or the Jedi Order knowing...only Director Fury of entry into the Guest House. However Ward and Garrett killed the two guards and Kamino was exposed to a Seperatist assault. The only way Dooku would be aware of this vulnerability was if he gained this knowledge from the Clairvoyant.

Victoria Hand attacked the Bus two weeks after the battle of Kamino and in the aftermath of a ceremony where Skye officially became appointed as a level one Shield Agent. Skye and Ward hadn't talked about their romance since she got shot. There was little time for the two to be alone outside of training sessions. Due to her near death experience Skye was determined to improve her combat skills. She also could tell something was off about Ward especially when Victoria Hand was mentioned. Skye was just grateful that her new family worked together to save her life and that she recovered in a couple of days.

Yet there was no happy ending for Skye as it was revealed by Agent Maria Hill shortly before Hand's attack that Hydra existed within Shield. The evil organization that almost took over the world in World War II and caused the creation of the United Republic to ensure the world would never be threatened that way again wasn't destroyed. Instead Hydra simply disguised themselves as members of the Republic while feeding information to Dooku and the Seperatist.

Skye's ceremony was an excuse for Hill to communicate this to Coulson before going off the grid with Fury so that Hydra couldn't track her. The Bus unfortunately was damaged and needed to land so Anakin and Ahsoka alongside R2D2 hacked into the mainframe of the Hub base so the group could land. Anakin, Ahsoka and R2D2 managed to rescue Ward and Skye. Hand's forces caused them to retreat and Skye was at a loss at what was next considering Shield no longer existed and the United Republic was on the brink of being conquered by the Seperatist.


"Hand is outside the East Situatuon Room." May said studying the security cameras in the server room

"This is definitely a situation." Garrett joked

"We can track her movements from there and ambush her. She's only with one Agent right now." May explained

Coulson charged his blaster and began thinking through their current predicament. He, May, Garrett and Fitz barely escaped Hand's forces. Agent Hand captured Simmons, Agent Triplett with Captain Rex going to rescue them. Anakin, Ahsoka and R2D2 managed to rescue Skye and Ward. Coulson knew that they needed to move soon while they still had the element of surprise.

"Whatever we do we need to make sure we find Simmons." Fitz demanded

"Best way to find out where Simmons is would be to use the ventilation system to go into the East Situatuon Room from the ceiling. We blast Vic in the head and use that to intimidate her right hand man to get him to tell us where Simmons is." Agent Garrett suggested to Coulson

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now