Secrets of the Jedi

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"This is our destination. It's Italia Naboo the home nation of Senator Padme Amidala. She's attending a conference that will discuss a growing refugee crisis within certain nations and territories as a result of Seperatist attacks. Senator Amidala has also assisted the Queen of Naboo with an investigation on a set of symbols on a tablet found on the mountains of Italia Naboo. The tablet is didplayed within a lecture hall across the street from the Theed Public Library. The person sitting outside the Cafe from the library in this photo is our target." Coulson explained

Coulson pointed to a person in the photo on a holo projector. A beautiful black woman with short hair in a pristine dress with a distinctive floral print was staring intently at the Public Library. Anakin eyes widened in realization when he studied her face. Coulson continued speaking.

"Her name is Raina she helped run point on hiding the locations of Debbie's experiments. She also scouted and chose the locations so that Debbie could safely test the abilities of patients with causing any collateral damage. Raina paid scam artists and homeless to do low level surveillance in the area, she deceived law enforcement or security by pretending to read their minds by using intuition and guess work. Raina turned these displays of "precognition" into street shows. This gives Debbie the necessary distraction to relocate her makeshift experiments to another location."

"So that's how Debbie's avoided Shield and Jedi pursuit teams for the past few months." May observed

Coulson turned glaring at May and then continued, "This system of creating what amounts to a makeshift mobile lab to develop superhumans hasn't yielded any successful test subjects. The only exception is Mike Peterson whose deregulation is accelerating due to the Extremis enhancement that's powering his superhuman abilities. The symbols that are in the library's exhibit are the key to improving Mike's condition but also the experiment results for other patients."

"Rescuing Mike needs to be the priority. He needs to be with his son not stuck in a Seperatist lab." Skye said

"Don't worry Skye we'll do everything in our power to rescue Mike and save the other patients." Coulson reassured

"What do these odd symbols mean in terms of biological experimentation? They don't reference any human or sentient beings genetic information." Simmons questioned

"They refer to a code that only the highest ranking Agents know. It's related to a location that's connected to Skye's unique condition. The symbols are a reference to a genetic enhancement for people like Skye. The location contains scientific information that would improve the results of Debbie's experiments." Coulson replied

"Unique condition? What's wrong with Skye?" Fitz asked

"There's nothing wrong with Skye. She's Force Sensitive and was moved from the Jedi Temple to an orphanage. Her heritage is half galactic and non galactic. Her genetic code was harvested in the secret location the tablet is referring to. If it's discovered by Project Centipede then Dooku will have the superhuman army he seeks for the Seperatist military." May answered

"Except that army will have superhuman abilities but also a connection to the Force." Ahsoka said horrified

"So why now? Why did Project Centipede wait so long to utilize this solution to their problem?" Ward asked

"Risk. The Clairvoyant who I'm betting is Agent Hand considers this solution to be too high a price. Shield attention would disrupt this cozy operation. One of the most prominent Senators within the United Republic who was the former Queen of the country means any hope of remaining under the radar is gone. Yet due to lack of success with these experiments. Dooku probably isnt happy and so the Clairvoyant needs to take a big risk." Garrett theorized

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now