For the Republic!

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Anakin hoped Agent Triplett wasn't a traitor like the Clone Sergeant Slick was.
Anakin still got angry whenever he thought about Slick and how he betrayed his clone brothers. He felt sorry for his Clone, Captain Rex who was forced to arrest Slick alongside the Clone Commander Cody. Anakin calmed his thoughts and burst into the room Simmons and Triplett were hiding in. Simmons aimed a blaster at Anakin and fired. Anakin blocked the blast with her lightsaber.

"General glad you could join us. We were giving Simmons pointers on using a blaster in case we had to fight our way out." Captain Rex explained

At that moment the power went out but Anakin's blue lightsaber illuminated the room. Agent Triplett said, "I am so jealous that you Jedi get lightsabers and us Shield agents don't have one. Don't worry though I'm not dumb enough to be a mole and challenge a Jedi to a fight."

"Good because R2 located where the true Clairvoyant is. Follow me so we can put an end to all this." Anakin said after the power to the facility returned

Triplett was shocked to find his SO Agent Garrett was the real Clairvoyant. His father figure and mentor being a traitor was too much for him to take. Anakin aimed his lightsaber at Garrett who was handcuffed as his underlings on the tactical team lay unconcious. May sported a blaster bolt wound on her arm while Coulson was bleeding from the forehead. Simmons and Fitz embraced in a hug while Ward and Skye smiled alongside Ahsoka and R2. The all had just entered the room and Ward went over to Triplett to comfort him. He insisted the two of them interrogate Garrett before Agent Hand transported him to the Ice Box a prison facility for high value Seperatist assets. Ward argued that Garrett was his SO before he was assigned to be Triplett's SO.

Coulson reluctantly agreed and Anakin did as well. Garrett remained silent when Anakin questioned him despite Anakin's lightsaber being an inch from his neck. Anakin, Rex and the 501st was needed at Ryloth/Algeria. Now that Coulson had the upper hand Garrett would remain quiet around him whereas earlier Garrett convinced of his victory and confident Coulson would be killed talked a lot about his schemes. Coulson allowed Ward and Triplett to do the interrogation on a Quinjet while Garrett was blindfolded until he got on the Quinjet.

"The course is locked into the system. We're on auto pilot and the destination is a you. Now you know exactly how all the good people you hurt and killed feel. Powerless with no control. I wish I could take back all the times I called you sir." Agent Triplett said to Garrett

Garrett looked angry but he remained silent. He just stared at Ward barely acknowledging Triplett. Ward aimed his blaster at Garett's head glaring at him not saying a word.

"Ward shot and killed Quinn because he shot Skye. What the galaxy do you think he gonna do to the person who ordered Skye to be shot? If I were you...I'd confess everything you know about Dooku so you can live." Triplett threatened

Ward turned around and shot Triplett in the chest. He fell to the ground confused and horrified. Ward unmoved by Triplett's look of betrayal shot him in the face. He then freed Garrett and then ordered a small droid called AD-3 to edit the security footage.


Dooku stood in front of the Holo projected image of his master Darth Sidious. The cloaked figure stared down at Dooku frustrated and Dooku was apprehensive. He didn't want to anger his master but he was confident the news was good.

"Hydra made for poor allies in our quest to defeat the United Republic, Shield and the Jedi Order. Alexander Pearce failed to take over Project Insight. You better have good news regarding Project Centipede. It's bad enough an impostor of the Clairvoyant tricked you into getting kidnapped by pirates Lord Tyranus." Darth Sidious chastised

"Yes my lord I do have good news. Agent Garrett who is the true Clairvoyant has escaped from Agent Coulson thanks to his mole Grant Ward. They've promised to give me information regarding the alien symbols regarding secrets about unlocking the special abilities of uniquely gifted individuals."

"Where in Ryloth/Algeria are the symbols located? We can't afford to waste time digging." Sidious complained

"The newest member of Coulson's team is a hacker. She erased all traces of that information off the Holo net and downloaded onto an encrypted data pad in her possesion. Garrett and Ward plan to kidnap this hacker to gain the location of the symbols." Dooku replied

"The hacker is a former initiate from the Jedi Temple. Skye. The one that eluded your grasp 13 years ago because of Master Yoda and Director Fury. The one with DNA similar to the alien symbol and a great connection to the Force. Skye could be the key to discovering the secrets of immortality. Are you still in contact with her father?"

"Yes my lord."

"Good. Tell Raina that Agent Ward needs to deliver Skye to her father so that she learns the truth about her past. That will motivate Garrett's mole to be loyal to us and not Shield.
Agent Garrett must prove his worth by getting that encrypted data pad. Once that happens kill him. His arrogance makes him difficult to control and his earlier betrayal of you and I can not be forgiven. The Battle of Ryloth/Algeria will be a good distraction to allow us the opportunity to capture Skye and the information in her possesion."

"Yes my Lord. I will not fall you. Coulson's team has barely survived and their run of good fortune will come to an end." Dooku promised

Author's Note

In Canon Grant Ward being a double agent for Hydra and betraying Shield after kissing Skye and them wanting to be in a romantic relationship is a huge storyline in Agents of Shield. In fact it's the biggest storyline and it sparked a ton of fan fiction where Ward got redemption and became heroic.

In this story Ward killed a Shield Agent but unlike Canon it will be for a heroic reason. However Ward won't get a redemption arc but instead have a more complicated story. So yes Ward killed a Shield Agent like in this video but instead of Agent Hand it was Agent Triplett. Agent Hand has a character arc in my story therefore she is spared and Triplett is killed.

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Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now