Journey to the Hub

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"Fitz you don't have to do this. We completed many missions together. I'd like to think we understand each other now. Are you seriously going to betray me after all we've shared together?" Ward asked 

Fitz bowed his head low clutching something in his left hand. Simmons looked on with fear while Skye and Ahsoka stared in silence confused. Anakin on the otherhand glared at Fitz shaking his head. Fitz took a deep breath and made his move. 

"I'm playing the draw 4 card." Fitz stoically

"You should be ashamed of yourself. Ward already played draw 4 and now you're playing a draw 4." Anakin said

"I think it's a great move." Simmons said beaming with pride

"Well..." Ahsoka said

"Ahsoka what I did was a perfectly legal move." Fitz pointed out

"Yeah but Ward already played a draw 4. There's a certain way to play Uno and the way you're doing it is just not right." Ahsoka replied frowning

"My young Padawan has learned a great deal under my guidance and that's another example of it." Anakin complimented

"Ah thanks master! I'll win this game of Uno for you." Ahsoka promised

"Wait a minute Ahsoka I only have 1 card so that means I'm going to win. And don't worry I said Uno." Skye said as Simmons opened her mouth to protest

"I play two reverses on top of each other so I win. Uno out." Ahsoka said

"You criticized Fitz for doing what he did but the whole time you ended up doing the same thing." Ward complained

"Ward has a point." Fitz added

"What I did is the winning move so its different. Besides what matters is that I won the game. Right master?" Ahsoka argued

"Exactly. Ahsoka won and that's the end of the story." Anakin said with a smirk

"Please we know what really happened and that's the fact Fitz won in spirit." Simmons boasted

"You mean I won in spirit because I don't remember agreeing to stacking cards when we started playing." Ward argued

"That's right. I agree with Ward except for the part where he would have won because I obviously would have won." Skye said

"As fun as it is to watch you kids play. We need to be downstairs for a briefing. Coulson has a new assignment for us and it's big." May announced over the loudspeaker

"It's been weeks on this aircraft and May has only said less than a few hundred words. All of this time I thought Master Obi Wan was extra serious. Turns out May has him beat." Ahsoka said pouting

"May is focused on the mission at hand. I heard stories about you avoiding that at times from Admiral Yularen, Anakin. You think I'm wrong about that Ahsoka?" Ward said with a grin

Ahsoka blushed slightly and muttered that Yularen sometimes exaggerated mission details.

"Hey I succeed with a little bit of style Ward. You could use that. That way no one confuses you for a Seperatist Droid." Anakin retorted

"Well he's got you there SO." Skye replied with a laugh

"Ha, ha, ha. How about me and you go a few rounds? And let's do that without the weird Jedi powers you rely on as a crutch." Ward challenged with a smirk

"You're on. After the mission that is." Anakin replied accepting the challenge

"Oh and I'm sure you'll finish that mission with style." Ward said as he got up to leave

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