Welcome to the Hub

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Author's Note

Thank you for reading this far into the story. In the next few chapters there will be shocking new information revealed to the characters. This information will create changes in this story from the canon Agents of Shield storyline. So please keep reading to see how the inclusion of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano on the team will change the story for the beloved Shield characters. Up above is a video that inspired the inclusion of the Malevolence storyline from the Clone Wars animated series into this Agents of Shield/Clone Wars crossover story.

"Permission to land. We're designation 9613." May said into the radio of the cockpit

"We see you 9613. You can land on landing pad 5." The Air traffic controller for the Hub replied

May landed the Bus on the landing pad and her eyes narrowed when she saw Agent Hand standing nearby with Agent Jasper Sitwell. Sitwell was someone that Coulson worked with on the Avenger Initiative program back when Fury was trying to form a team of powered individuals with Shield resources. Out of all Shield Agents beside Director Fury and Deputy Director Hill to make visits to the Jedi Temple and communicate with the Jedi Order Sitwell and another high ranking Agent John Garrett communicated with the Jedi the most. May realized this was a passive aggressive power move by Hand.

"Where's Master Kenobi?" May asked Agent Hand

"He's currently handling a different part of this multi-level mission. We need to move quickly this nonsense involving Agent Simmons put us behind schedule on dealing with the latest Separatist offensive." Agent Hand said dismissively

Before May could verbally challenge Agent Hand Coulson exited the Bus and walked towards Hand to greet her.

"Agent Coulson good to finally meet you in person. Hopefully despite our earlier disagreements we can move forward in dealing with this threat together." Hand said shaking Coulson's hand

"Whatever you need my team will provide it. We understand Director Fury and Master Yoda put you in charge of the Hub." Coulson replied

"It is such an honor to be working with the Calvary on a mission." Agent Sitwell said to May extending his hand

May glared at Sitwell, "Don't call me the Calvary. You do that again and I'll snap your arm in half."

May then walked past Agent Sitwell and Agent Hand and entered the Hub.


Jedi Master Plo Koon stood at the bridge of his airship the Star Destroyer the Quantam. Star Destroyer airships outclassed Shield Helicarriers. They're designed to be flown into space at low orbit. The organization Sword helped build and design these ships to assist the United Republic during the Italia Naboo crisis. Sword withdrew its silent partnership with Shield and the Jedi at the onset of the Clone Wars claiming to be a neutral organization and refused to take a side in the war.

Master Plo Koon was grateful that Sword didn't attempt to reclaim these airships after declaring themselves neutral. The Star Destroyer's ability to fly in low orbit above the Earth helped Master Plo Koon's Clone batallion the 104th battalion monitor the skies and stars for Separatist activity. The Quantam's crew observed strange signals and activity from a computer source. One of Master Plo's officers Commander Wolfe traced the signal back to the specialized Quinjet used by Agent Phil Coulson's team called the Bus.

Plo Koon remembered that Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano were assigned as the members of the Jedi Order for Coulson's Shield team. He decided to contact Anakin but not until he determined if the Quantam's earlier alert about a disturbance 30 miles away from their current airspace was genuine. After a few minutes passed Plo Koon saw the source of the disturbance. An unusually shaped airship that appeared to be tracking Plo Koon's fleet of airships.

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now