Project T.A.H.I.T.I.

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"It's not looking good. Her internal organs are too damaged. I'm sorry but you're going to need to prepare for the worst. You're going to need to call her family. Skye might not make it so you need to get them here as soon as possible." The nurse said

Simmons had tears in her eyes as Ahsoka comforted her. Anakin was sad alongside Obi Wan, May, Fitz, Coulson and Ward.

Coulson struggling to compose himself said, "We're Skye's family."

The nurse looked at the group of people saddened by the realization Skye's only family were members of Shield and the Jedi Order.

"In that case I'm very sorry." The nurse said

The hologram shut off and May went over to Coulson to comfort him but he ignored her. Coulson gestured for Agent Garrett to join him in his office. May scowled and then grabbed a distraught Ward and pulled him into the situation room. The room where Coulson conducted debriefings after missions alongside Obi Wan.

"What the galaxy were you thinking!" May shouted

Ward started crying,"I wasn't thinking. I just saw that Skye was shot and reacted on instinct."

"That's not an instinct you are trained to have Agent Ward! Not only did you violate protocol by killing a defenseless suspect but you also killed Quinn before we could get intel on him!"

"Why does that even matter right now! Skye is going to die and you're worried about protocol! I'm sorry I can't be as perfect as you are Calvary!" Ward shouted back

"Don't call me that! You don't think I care about Skye! You don't think I don't curse myself for losing sight of her at the pirate compound! I should have been right there with her to save her but at the end of the day we have a job to do. We don't have the luxury to be sad. Not with the Separatist and Count Dooku on the loose." May argued

May stormed off and went to the training rooms frustrated. Ward sat by the window staring into nothing unsure of what to do. Anakin glared at Ward in contempt upset that he had the luxury to shoot and kill the enemy. Anakin knew May was unhappy and that Coulson would reprimand him but ultimately he would suffer little consequences.

The Jedi on the otherhand were weak and hamstrung by their ways. This restriction was the reason Skye was in the hospital. It made Master Yoda's involvement in taking Skye away from him when he was a child a decision that resulted in disaster. Anakin wondered if the Jedi Order was approaching this war with the Seperatist the right way. That their unwillingness or stubbornness to operate the way Shield does could lead to a Seperatist victory. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine argued as much in their conversations with one another.

"Anakin I believe there is a chance Skye can be saved. Unfortunately we have to go. We just received orders to report with our respective Clone Battalions to Ryloth/Algeria. Dooku is redirecting a large amount of his droid forces there but General Grievous is currently in hiding. He avoided a trap Master Plo Koon and Coulson's friend Agent Garrett attempted to spring on him. We cannot allow Skye's plight to prevent us from seeing the bigger picture." Obi Wan warned

"Skye was part of the bigger picture but she was seperated from me. Perhaps the Force is saying she is the key to winning this war and that it was a mistake for Master Yoda from removing her from the Jedi Temple. If Skye had the training that I had she wouldn't be inside that medical chamber." Anakin said

"You are in no position to judge what should have or could have happened. None of us are. The Force is a guide but that doesn't guarantee it leads us on a smooth journey. There are going to be challenges and obstacles that will test us." Obi Wan explained

"Did you know about the Jedi High Council's decision to have Shield remove Skye from the Jedi Temple?" Anakin asked

"Anakin I don't see what this has to do with our orders to go to Ryloth/Algeria-"

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now