A Safer World

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November 20, 2000

"Failed to listen to your Master you have." Yoda said to Raina

"My master is terrible. She doesn't have any vision for what the Force can do for the world."

"Keepers of the peace Jedi are. To mold the world through power we do not. Disobedient many padawan are at the beginning. Worse than a typical padawan you are in this area hmmm...why?" Yoda questioned

"I have visions. About the Jedi not seeing how much the world resents them. The Jedi can't see how much the world thinks of them as selfish. So much power but they use very little of it to change the world. Because of their arrogance a terrible war will happen and it will lead to an uprising against the Jedi. We need to act on this information now Master Yoda before the Jedi lose their way." Raina protested

"Natural gift for precognition you have. Understand how to use this power you must. Humility towards your master you need. Consumed by fear you will be. So you can avoid a dark path submit to teaching you need." Yoda chastised

"Master Qui Gon complained about the Jedi Council being too stiff and unimaginative. I thought it was because they not only restrict the use of Force for charitable works on society but also because only Masters can go into the Restricted section of the Jedi Archives. Now I know it's because you value control. That's why the Council forces the rest of us to see things rigidly and to ignore the warnings about the future the Force is trying to show us." Raina accused

"Foolish I was. Allowed you to deceive us I did. Fail to cover your deceit your natural giftedness in the Force did. Access to restricted section of Jedi Archives you gained. Aided Count Dooku to access these archives you did. Secrets about Master Qui Gonn learned from Dooku you did. Expelled from the Jedi Council you are. Turn over your lightsaber you must." Yoda said firmly

Raina eyes widened in shock with tears in her eyes. She silently presented her lightsaber and placed it on Yoda's desk. Yoda bowed his head in grief and used a holo communicator to contact the chief of the Jedi Temple guard Cin Dralling to escort Raina off the Jedi Temple grounds.

Raina spent the rest of her teenager years split between an orphanage in London Coruscant, a juvenile detention center and the downtown streets of London Coruscant homeless. She would scam tourists out of their credits running a myriad of cons or do complicated dances on the street aided by the Force for credits. Her Force Sensitivity weakened due to lack of practice and study under a Jedi Knight or Master but she still had a connection to the Force.

Her visions about an impending war that would lower positive reception of the Jedi amongst the public grew stronger. They intensified when she was adopted by a former Padawan of Count Dooku. Calvin Johnson failed his Jedi Trials to become a Knight of the Jedi Order. He reunited with Dooku decades later to assist Dooku in his travels across Europe and Asia where he gave fiery speeches to the people and aliens there. Speeches about the corruption of the United Republic and the Jedi's complicity in this corruption. Calvin took Raina under her wing as a protege and taught her medicine when he used his weak Force Sensitivity to expose one of her cons when he traveled to London Coruscant. Dr. Johnson saw Raina's potential. It was these con artistry and medical skills that Garrett required for his plan so Dooku and Calvin assigned Raina to the Clairvoyant or Agent Garrett.

Raina was disappointed that Garrett wasn't a true Clairvoyant. He sensed nothing about the Force within him. It explained why Garrett never told Raina his real name or talked with Raina in person. Dooku was focused on his own apprentice Asajj Ventress and despite meeting in the Jedi Temple when she was young Dooku barely paid attention to Raina. The fact that she was an expelled Padawan probably lessened Dooku's opinion of Raina. Ultimately Raina knew that the Force showed her a higher purpose to become something more as a unique Force Sensitive superhuman. With greater power she could create a safer world...one in which Dooku and her mentor Dr. Calvin Johnson would be in control. If she had to put up with the fraudulent Agent Garrett to make that happen so be it.

So Raina obediently used the information from Skye's data pad to recreate the GH325 formula that healed Skye using samples of Skye's blood. After months of trying to find a formula to accelerate healing and physical strength by doing secret experiments in a hidden mobile lab. Using Separatist military attacks to hide the lab while being on the run from Coulson and her team. Dealing with test subjects who died or failed to exhibit any new powers so they were killed by droids to preserve the secret laboratory. Debbie being killed by Dooku's assassin the former Jedi Asajj Ventress for failure. In spite of all of those setbacks Raina was on the precipice of accomplishing her goal. To make a safer world.

Now that Hydra was forced to come out of the shadows Project Centipede needed to be recalibrate. Dooku's contacts with the Banking Clan allowed Garrett to use a series of shell companies to purchase a cybernetic robotics company called Cybertek Incorporated. This company was used to create the cybernetic enhancements for Garrett when Hydra had spies within Shield working for Cybertek. Cybertek was also the company that turned General Grievous into a powerful cyborg.

Garrett sought even greater power than cybernetic enhancements and had Raina inject him with the GH325 formula. Garrett's improved healing and strength was proof the formula was effective. Yet those without the genetic potential for superhuman abilities would develop nasty side effects even with the improved formula. She would need to convince Garrett to run more tests to determine exactly what the negative side effects are. Raina projected it would take days to run through tests on Garrett at Cybertek. Yet Garrett wanted to wait by his phone for an update from Cybertek before flying Coulson's plane over there.

"Skye. Good to hear from you. You sound different on the phone." Garrett greeted with a pleasant tone

Raina couldn't hear what Skye was saying but Garrett continued to smile. Raina had a bad feeling about this but Garrett acted as if everything was still under control.

"I don't care that you've taken over Cybertek. I have an assigned handler watching over Mike Peterson's son at an undisclosed location on Ryloth/Algeria. There's currently a Seperatist blockade over the airspace in that country and the United Republic can't get past it. As long as I have control of Mike you have no way of stopping me or Project Centipede. I took the GH325 formula Skye. As long as I'm alive I can continue to create more super powered soldiers for Dooku using my blood samples. I'm a permanent medical mobile lab." Garrett gloated

Raina wished she could hear what Skye was saying in response to Garrett's boasting. Raina wasn't surprised Skye and Coulson found out about Cybertek and took over the facility. Garrett talked about Coulson's skill as a Shield Agent all the time and she was familiar with Skye's intelligence and gifted connection to the Force. It reminded Raina of her own connection to the Force but Skye lacked her vision and foresight. She was clouded by her emotions and failed to see that Dooku wanted to create a safer world.

"Coulson's with you. Great he should know I got the same GH325 injection that he got. We should compare notes. Also I'm sorry about your scientist friends FitzSimmons. They were brave until they breathed their last breath." Garrett joked

Ward looked down at the ground in shame when Garrett hung up the phone. Raina could sense conflict within Ward through the Force. There was a small amount of light but it was shrouded by a lot of darkness.

"Now Ward you're not out of the woods yet. You wanna prove your worth to me. Then you get Skye and you bring her to Dooku. After the injection you gave me Raina I understand why you think Skye is special. So does Dooku. You do this last mission for me Ward and well...you'll not only have my complete trust but Dooku's as well."

"Yes sir." Ward replied

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