The Girl in the Flower Dress

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"All the test subjects have been killed sir. They became too mentally unstable. One of the head scientists Albert Thompson believed injecting the formula into the spine would lessen the impact of the side effects. As a result you need to open the head and operate on the brain to ensure the formula would attach to the nerve endings on the spine. Even though it would reduce the negative side effects. That would put the subjects through too much excruciating pain." Coulson told Fury

Fury leaned back in his seat and frowned. Coulson stared at the pilot seat and wondered if May could hear their conversation. Ever since May refused field operation missions, May seeked more quiet and less expressive. Coulson couldn't blame her for this change in her personality. He understood why what happened in Bahrain caused this. Coulson shook his head realizing it wasn't smart to worry about May right now.

"This isn't good news Coulson. We're about to make contact with Stark and his life is in danger. Quinjet is due to land in Malibu in an ten minutes. I'm sure Stark is sleeping off a hangover but he's too valuable to not find a way to save him from death or his current illness." Fury countered

"I thought Stark was just a consultant for Shield. His lack of teamwork skills disqualified him from the Avengers Initiative. At least that's what Natasha told you."

"Well Natasha is a model employee at Stark Industries who reports on what she sees. She isn't paid to project the future or consider alternate solutions to a stubborn problem." Fury argued

"Stark isn't just a corporate labor efficiency project. He's a difficult man to deal with. I happen to know from personal experience. As much of a pain in the backside he can be I know he doesn't deserve to go through what the Project T.A.H.I.T.I test subjects endured. The homicidal ideations the test subjects had were disturbing. They kept thinking to themselves have to kill everyone to protect the city. I kept asking what city and they said the city is a place that gives birth to secrets and the unworthy who attempt to enter it and learn those secrets will die." Coulson explained horrified

"They kept saying this over and over and over again. Yes you mentioned that in your report. I understand my friend. I honestly do but things are getting more dangerous in the world. When that happens we need to consider all our options. I just spoke with Master Yoda and he informed me Dooku is up to something. He believes Dooku is behind the assassination attempt on Senator Padme Amidala's life and has assigned Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker to protect her.

Something is happening I can feel it and the bodies will soon start piling up. We need a way to ressurrect a fallen Avenger. There the only hope to stop Dooku or any threat to Shield and the United Republic citizen. I havent given up on Stark. I think with the right push he and the other potential candidates can become the Avengers." Fury explained

"Why are you so obsessed with Dooku though? The Jedi Order obviously are weary of Dooku but that's the only enemy they're concerned about. Stark was almost assassinated by Vanko aka Whiplash and Shield has other enemies. What makes Dooku stand out more than other threats? Does it have to do with his departure from the Order on April 9th, 2000?" Coulson asked

"No. This is solely based on what Yoda told me regarding Senator Amidala. We'll have to keep exploring other ways to provide emergency medical assistance to potential Avengers in critical condition." Fury lied

"Well find a new method to help injured or sick Avengers. I'm confident of that.  Thank you for taking my concerns seriously sir." Coulson replied

May landed on a private airstrip reserved for Shield personnel. Coulson's friendly wave towards May was returned with a nod and a sad smile by May.

Coulson thought about all of this when he stared at May in the conference room. He focused on May's sad smile from that day. Coulson wondered if May knew the truth about Project T.A.H.I.T.I all the way back then. Clint and Laura Barton sat in silence while May continued to explain her role in Skye's placement in New York/Lothal when she was 10 years old.

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