Innocents of Ryloth

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"Ahsoka even if Anakin is successful in destroying the command airship you still need to consider the combined power of the remaining Seperatist airships." May advised

"I thought about that and I came up with a plan to deal with that." Ahsoka replied

"What's the plan Commander Tano?" Rex asked

"If we took the Resolute and angled the hull to take the incoming blasts from the Separatist frigates the bridge and hangar deck would be relatively safe from their attack." Ahsoka explained

Ahsoka brought up a holographic representation of the Resolute and inverted it to demonstrate her plan to Rex and May. She inverted the holographic model of their airship so the bottom of it was facing in front.

She continued, "We could draw the frigates in and use our bombers to outflank them. The bombers would be moving too fast and then the frigates would be trapped.

Rex frowned skeptical about this plan.

He spoke saying, "We would need to be certain our airship's shields would hold to withstand their initial attack."

"He has a point. We need time to conduct analysis to ensure the shield's would hold." May added

"No! We don't have anymore time! Master Skywalker needs us! Coulson and Skye also need us. If we don't act now then the Seperatist will take over Ryloth/Algeria and Garrett will be able to use the resources on the planet to create an army of super powered soldiers for Count Dooku. The United Republic would lose the Clone Wars if that happened. We need to act now."

"The commander is right. I know this strategy is very bold. Our situation requires drastic measures." Admiral Yularen said as he entered the room

"He's right. Ahsoka I trust you. I'm starting to see why Coulson wanted you and Anakin on this team." May added

"As do I. Coulson and his team may technically be fugitives but they give us a chance to take back this nation for the Republic. So let's end this blockade shall we." Admiral Yularen said

Anakin using R2D2 to control the Defender programmed the airship's autopilot system to crash into the Seperatist command ship. Anakin smiled thinking about how if he was still Obi Wan's padawan he wouldn't conduct a mission as crazy as this in a million years.

"Ok R2 we are good to leave. The Seperatist command ship is going to be scrap metal. The blockade will end and the United Republic food and medical supply ships will be able to break through. The Twi'leks and humans suffering in that country will be ok." Anakin said to his faithful droid

R2 started beeping excitedly as he followed Anakin into the escape pod.

"Once those two airships collide they'll be choas. We'll need to use that as a distraction to get a tractor beam to bring in Master Skywalker's escape pod." Ahsoka instructed

"Look at you Ahsoka. Leading the fleet to a victory! I had a good feeling about Coulson adding you to his team. I'm going to need to borrow your mentor Anakin Skywalker. I'm sure you can keep bringing the fight to the Seperatist without him." A familiar voice said through the Resolute's intercom system

"Director Fury?" May said aloud in surprise

Obi Wan Kenobi's fleet entered the airspace over Ryloth/Algeria.

"Is the invasion force able to land Ahsoka? Is the blockade broken up?" Obi Wan asked over the intercom system

"Yes Master Kenobi your invasion force can land." Ahsoka replied

"I won't even ask where the rest of Anakin's fleet is or why he's in an escape pod that's being tractor beamed by an unregistered airship." Obi Wan said

"That's probably for the best." Ahsoka said sheepishly

"Anakin Skywalker. It's been a while. Garrett has increased his power using a chemical cocktail I used on Coulson after he died. A Jedi of your talents is needed to stop him." Nick Fury said over the intercom system of Anakin's escape pod

"Garrett is the one responsible for my best friend Skye getting shot. You don't need to recruit me to stop him. I happily volunteer to join you in defeating Garrett." Anakin replied

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