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Author's Note

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. As we progress into the story you will see some interesting new changes from this crossover between Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Agents of Shield. Changes related specifically to Anakin Skywalker and Skye. Please read my other story Avengers Wars Episode I: Steps into Shadow to get the full perspective how Anakin's journey differs from the Disney canon continuity and LucasArts Legends continuity. That particular story takes place in 2011 two years before the start of this 1st book in this Shield/Clone Wars crossover series Agents of the Clone Wars. Please vote on the story by clicking on the star at the bottom of the page. Also if there's anything or positive or negative you have to share about this story comment. I welcome all types of feedback, now back to the story.

Skye wiped her eyes and stopped crying. She knew Simmons condition had stabilized yet it was hard for her to not cry. Ahsoka told her that Anakin used some kind of special ability via the Force to help Simmons. Yet...Skye wondered if Simmons would have to be killed according to Shield protocols designed to stop the spread of unknown infections. Skye's feelings toward Shield were mixed but she adored Simmons. Her excitement, her wonder at everything scientific, and her genuine kindness stood out. Simmons helped to dispel the notions Skye had of Shield being emotionless and disinterested in helping the public.

It amazed Skye that in just a few weeks operating as a Shield consultant she made friends. Skye got up and left her room seeking Ward. She saw Ward exercising in the physical exerise space by throwing punches at a punching bag. Ward's punches grew in intensity and only when Skye called out to him did he stop. Ward hung his head and slumped down his shoulders hunched on a nearby bench.

"I wanted it to be a person, some superpowered psychopath, someone I could hurt, someone I could...punish. That's something I know I could do. What I can't do is protect you guys from stuff I can't even see or understand." Ward said sadly

"Thanks but you can't protect us from everything. I just...it hurts to see Simmons in so much pain." Skye said depressed

Ward placed his arm around Skye's shoulder. They sat together quietly as Skye curled up inside Ward's arms.


"We need to fly out of here and ignore Agent Hand's orders." May told Coulson

Coulson was pacing in his office while May sat in his chair behind his desk. May official title was pilot but Coulson treated May as an advisor. Usually May would give him yes or no answers to Coulson's questions. This time was different...Coulson ignored May yet May offered unsolicited advice beyond giving a yes or a no to a question.

"We need to consider other options. Phil, we can't kill Simmons. She's...young and has a whole future ahead of her. There's definitely a cure but to create one in 24 hours is impossible." May argued

"What you're asking me to consider is too much. We violate protocols then Shield will send V wings to shoot us down. That means this entire team is terminated not just Simmons." Coulson replied

"So you're just going to allow a bunch of faceless goons to "terminate" Simmons? Phil that's not you. We've known each other for over 20 years. You wouldn't just react like a droid to an order like that." May said

"I know and I remember you used to have my back. I remember I could count on you to help me navigate difficult situations. Now you're a ghost and just half there. I understand what you lost a few years ago Melinda but ever since you've been on the bus all I see is a pilot, not the friend who helped me in tight spots." Coulson replied

"That's not fair Phil! You know why I left the field and chose to work behind a desk! You don't need me to realize that following Hand's order is wrong." May said crying

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