Liberty on Ryloth

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"Help!" Simmons screamed

She waved her right arm in desperation while struggling to hold the unconcious Fitz with her left arm.

"Someone please help!" She kept screaming

An airship flew towards her and inside it was Director Fury. Simmons wondered if she was hallucinating but realized this was really Director Fury when he and Anakin pulled her inside the airship. Simmons ran towards Anakin and hugged him crying all over again. While Director Fury placed Fitz inside a bacta tank chamber.

"It's alright. It's alright. We got you." Anakin reassured

Simmons passed out and Anakin and Fury placed Simmons in her own bacta tank chamber but with a bacta chemical gas instead of fluid.

"I need you to fly this thing while I look after Simmons. Agent Hill says you are the best pilot amongst the Jedi and you've scored several aerial battle victories against Separatist commanders. Well we're going to need you to live up to that reputation. We need a stealth like aerial approach if we're going to catch Garrett off guard." Fury instructed

"It's not reputation. My piloting skills are top tier. Garrett is finished. Even with enhanced super powers he can't stand up to the might of a Jedi Knight." Anakin boasted

"I hope you're right. Stakes are very high and we can't afford for you to be wrong. I'm going to talk to Simmons when she wakes up. She's going to be disoriented after everything Grant Ward put her and Fitz through."

"Ward better hope he doesn't run into me. If he does..."

"Noted. Go take a seat in the cockpit young Skywalker." Fury ordered

Anakin walked to the cockpit with R2D2 and Fury saw that Simmons was awake.

"You're in decompression on a Quinjet headed towards Ryloth/Algeria." Fury explained

"Agent Keonig told us you were dead." Simmons said

"Good. We don't want Hydra or the Separatist to know that I'm alive." Fury said

"Fitz!" Simmons called out attempting to sit up

"Easy easy. He's alive but barely. He's in a bacta tank and I got a couple medical droids looking after him. Fitz's brain was without oxygen for a long time but you saved him. It's going to take a while for him to recover."

"It was the other way around. How did you find us?" Simmons asked struggling to not cry again

"That makeshift beacon of yours. I picked up that it was using an old Shield frequency. That was a smart idea and led us straight to you. Luckily I've been looking for Shield Agents the past few days." Fury explained

"You're looking for loyal Shield Agents."

"Yes. Specifically for my right hand man Coulson. I understand that him, you and the rest of your team are involved in a dispute with Agent Garrett I might want to weigh in on. You have any information on Garrett that could be useful?" Fury asked


"Where is my father? You have to help me find him!" A young Twi'lek girl said with a French accent

A battle between hundreds of droids and hundreds of clones of the 212th Attack Battalion led by Obi Wan Kenobi was taking place outside of a large command center. The Seperatist converted a school to serve as their command center and Skye tracked down the location of Ward's secret droid AD-3 to this location. A dozen droids were placed at various positions guarding the building. Obi Wan obliged Skye's request to have his forces start an engagement against the droid platoon a half mile from the command center to distract the droids but a dozen droids remained near the command center. The surronding cities outside the capitol of Ryloth/Algeria had been liberated by Obi Wan's battalion with Anakin's 501st legion prividing rear support under Ahsoka's command. Yet Skye wondered how she was going to reach Ace and find this young girl's father.

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