The Mole

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"We need to help Anakin get through the blockade over Ryloth/Algeria. We can't take the bus. We'll be arrested but we can't just stay here because Garrett is going to aid the Seperatist with his Extremis powered super soldiers." Coulson told the group

"Hand needs to come with us. She can give Anakin intel over a secure line about everything she knows about Dooku's strategy in Ryloth/Algeria." May suggested

"I don't know everything. Besides the bigger issue is Garrett. We capture Garrett and we bring down all of Project Centipede. Think about how many volunteers that believe in Dooku's propaganda would be given the Extremis formula? That would then fight for Dooku on the front lines after gaining powers? The Jedi would be at a huge disadvantage." Hand argued

"That's only because you fooled Dooku in the first place by pretending to be the Clairvoyant. Now you have to make up for that by using what you know to help us." Coulson replied

Before Hand could interject Ahsoka added, "Ma'am according to Agent Koenig, Director Fury placed Coulson in charge."

Everyone stared at Ahsoka the youngest person in the room bewildered by how direct Ahsoka was. It was as if they were still on the bus and Shield still existed fully intact.

"Anakin calls you snips all the time but that was a good point." Fitz blurted out breaking the silence

Agent Hand folded her arms and frowned and Fitz sheepishly shrugged his shoulders.

"Well this base is linked to satellites that track virtually any target once you have a specified set of parameters plugged into any device connected to it. The best person at holo net tracking in this group should stay here while the rest should go outside the base." Agent Keonig suggested

"I volunteer myself and Skye to stay behind." Ward blurted out

"I didn't realize you were such a Holo Net savvy guy Ward." Coulson remarked in surprise

"I'm her SO and I can help her with the parameters. Skye can input the info I learned from Agent Triplett before he tried to kill me when Garrett escaped."

"Well I'm staying too. I can add the little I know about Dooku to Skye's Holo Net parameters." Agent Hand said

"No. You're helping Ahsoka and May with the blockade on Ryloth/Algeria. FitzSimmons you're coming with me. Skye is going to help us find Garrett's base of operations with Ward giving her any intel. Agent Keonig we're going to need you to monitor the airspace for any United Republic military personnel." Coulson orderd

"Finally I get to do really cool spy stuff. Fury trusted me to guard this base but I didn't think it would result in me getting field work. My brother's Sam and Billy would bust my chops about not getting field work while we played Call of Duty. He actually had a cool assignment that involved spy stuff." Agent Keonig complained

Everyone stared at Keonig but Ahsoka muttered, "Finally someone who understands what I go through whenever Sky guy gives too many orders."

May shook her head and said come on Ahsoka let's go with a groan. While Simmons turned to Coulson and asked, "Sir are you sure this is a good plan. What if we are surrounded by a United Republic air patrol?"

"Don't worry we will not be surrounded by an air patrol." Coulson reassured

One Hour Later in Mon Cala/Jamaica airspace

"This is Leuitenant Colonel Glenn Talbot of the United Republic military! Don't move and prepare your ship to be boarded by my men." Talbot ordered over a loudspeaker

"Skye we need an exit route now!" Coulson shouted on his comm link

"Sir I thought you said we wouldn't be surrounded by an air patrol!" Simmons yelled in frustration

"Skye come in! We need an exit!" Fitz yelled over his comm link

Meanwhile back at Providence Base

"Eric there's some weird signal interference. I lost contact with Coulson and the others." Skye called out

Her data pad only had static lines and she couldn't contact any of her teammates. Ward went to find Agent Keonig but it had been fifteen minutes since he left and Skye grew restless. She left her desk and got up looking around the base for calling Agent Keonig by his first name.

"Eric!" Skye kept calling out

She grew nervous as the base was quiet with everyone gone. She checked the storage room after consulting her data pad which determined where everyone was based on the signal from their lanyard. She was confused why Eric was in the ventilation system. Then a drop of blood from the vents landed on her data pad. Skye looked up in horror and saw Agent Keonig dead body stuffed in the vents. She barely had the self control to refrain from screaming but she couldn't prevent herself from crying. Skye looked at her data pad and saw that Ward was walking towards the storage room. She ran into a nearby bathroom struggling to maintain her composure.

"No, no, no...oh no..." Skye whispered panicking on what to do

She was trapped in the base by herself with a serial killer loyal to Hydra and the Seperatist. This serial killer was her own boyfriend.

"Skye where are you?" Ward called out

"I need to...I have to leave a message to help them..." Skye whispered

Mon Cal/Jamaica airspace

"These aren't Shield Agents Colonel Talbot. This is a scout ship of the United Republic Navy operating under my jurisdiction as a General of the 104th battalion." Jedi Master Plo Koon said over a radio frequency

"What kind of a mission and why don't these operatives of yours have the proper transponder on their scout airship?" Col. Talbot questioned

"Simple. The mission is classified and the transponder would give them away to the Hydra cell they're tracking." Plo Koon answered

Coulson could tell Talbot was frustrated with this answer but legally had no authority to challenge a Jedi Master.

"I know it's you in there Agent Coulson. This isn't the last you'll see of me. Alright men let's move out so Jedi Master Plo Koon's subordinates can continue their "secret" operation."

Colonel Talbot's fleet cleared the area and FitzSimmons sighed in relief.

"Thank you Master Plo Koon for saving us from Talbot."

"No need to thank me. It was members of your team who saved me from the Seperatist super weapon a few months ago. Besides all of you are the best hope the Republic has of stopping his operation. My fellow Jedi and I are tied up in an escalation of attacks by the Seperatist. It's all a distraction by Dooku to aid Agent Garrett."

"Don't worry. Garrett will be stopped and so will the rest of Hydra." Coulson replied

Coulson, Fitz and Simmons returned to Providence base two hours later and saw the Bus was gone and a message on the ground written in invisible ink. Ward is Hydra the message said.

"Ward and Skye took the Bus?" Fitz wondered aloud

"No Fitz. Ward kidnapped Skye. What do we do sir?" Simmons asked

"I don't know." Coulson said confused

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now