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Skye hung her head wanting to convince Anakin to keep searching for Master Plo Koon but thinking better of it. Skye didn't want to be the catalyst for more conflict between Anakin and Ahsoka. Yet an hour had passed and there was no sign of an escape pod with Master Plo Koon inside floating in the confines of the debris field. Skye gave Anakin a pleading look but Anakin shook his head.

"Time to go, Ahsoka." Anakin said

"We have to stay!" Ahsoka begged

"Ahsoka, I want to believe Master Plo is alive, but-" Anakin started to say

"I know he's alive! I can sense him through the Force!" Ahsoka protested

She took the controls for Anakin's airship and flew to the edge of the debris field. Skye stared in shock and realized her left hand was shaking. Skye felt a spark of energy and she wondered is this what the Force feels like? Anakin struggled to retake the controls from Ahsoka while R2D2 who was plugged in through a interface outside the airship beeped loudly in alarm. By the time Anakin reclaimed the controls he saw Master Plo Koon with 3 clones. 2 of the clones outside the pod and one inside the pod.

"Yes I knew he was alive!" Ahsoka cheered

Anakin gave a bemused smile while Skye beamed with joy seeing their efforts to rescue Plo Koon weren't in vain.


"Why do you want to leave Mateo? I love you. make me feel happy. I haven't felt that way in years. Ever since that bomb..." Wanda's voice trailed off

Ward leaned in and gave her a kiss. He held her close not sure what to think. After a year of undercover work he was scared that he loved Wanda as himself not Mateo Polinik.

"I can't...I don't want to say goodbye but my doctorate program has ended. I'm expected back in the United States to present my findings on how best to help Sokovia."

"This isn't how best to help Sokovia. American dogs." Wanda said bitterly gesturing to a news report on the TV discussing Iron Man

"I'm just a researcher Wanda. I don't work for the American government." Ward lied

"There is a war between the United Republic, Shield, and the Trade Federation, and they're fighting that war by using Sokovians like play things used by children. We are just tools to them, to Tony Stark. You're the first one from outside Sokovia who understood. Yet you are leaving to go back to America." Wanda complained

"Shield is struggling to trust the Jedi. They're too secretive and they are protected by the United Republic. Something happened in the year 2000 that changed all that. That's why I immigrated to the United States. I hoped to learn over there in order to create a plan that would lead to peace for Sokovia. That's why I'm going back, its not because I dont love you." Ward reassured giving Wanda another kiss

Wanda held him close and moved to sit on Ward's lap on the couch. She kissed him again deeply and squeezed him.

"I want to do something to make you stay. To let you know how much you mean to me."

Before Ward could utter a protest she started undressing and Ward stopped protesting.


Wanda screamed and knelt on the ground her eyes stopped glowing red and she could see the abandoned bar.

"I can't. Too many emotions within his memories of us together for me to read his mind my Lady. I'm sorry." Wanda told Ventress

"Ugh. Of course a bachelor like Grant Ward could do that to a woman as powerful as the Scarlet Witch. But you're strong are one of a rare breed of superhuman that's deeply connected to the Force. Unlike that disappointment called Mike Peterson. However you still have Agent Leopold Fitzgerald or "Fitz" to read. He's new to combat and extremely terrified so it should be easy for you to read his mind." Ventress reassured

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