A New Shield

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"Stupid, stupid, stupid and cruel and very stupid!" Coulson shouted

"How elegant Agent Coulson. I suppose you were an English teacher in your life before you joined Shield." Obi Wan joked

"I don't have time for your sarcasm Kenobi." Coulson replied

"Kenobi let the man vent." Fury said

Fury was sitting down while Coulson paced throughout his office. Obi Wan and May stood in between the two men. May as usual choosing to remain silent but listening very carefully.

"Stupid!" Coulson shouted

"Ok you've made your point." Fury said holding up his hand to calm Coulson down

"Why did you bring me back in the first place! Clearly I didn't think it was the best idea because all the test subjects injected with GH325 lost their minds!"
Coulson yelled

"May is on top of the situation and she said you're fine." Fury said gesturing at May

May nodded her head to reassure Coulson.

"Master Yoda didn't sense anything wrong with you and he tends to pick up on persons or things that could be potentially dangerous...most of the time." Obi Wan added

"I figured you of all people would have a problem with this. Anakin told me that you are the strictest Jedi in the Order and the most reluctant to the idea of Shield working with the Jedi."

"Well a devastating global war with a terrorist organization led by my master's master would definitely be the thing that would change my mind. It's not like Anakin hasn't had a history of exaggerating my actions to dramatic effect." Obi Wan sarcastically replied

"Kenobi has a point and we didn't just use GH325 for no reason. Think of it as a break glass in case of emergency option."

"But sir the emergency was supposed to be in the event an Avenger was injured or killed!"

"Exactly." Fury said leaning towards Coulson

Coulson stared shocked at what Fury was implying with his words.

"I'm very glad I did it too," Fury said firmly and he continued, "When you want to build something you want a strong foundation. You know I don't trust many people Coulson."

"You can only count them on one hand." Coulson replied

"And I'm not afraid to cut off fingers. The principle that Shield was founded upon was pure."

"Protection." May replied

"Protection. Unfortunately Shield has lost its way. The Jedi fortunately are still whole and are still motivated by that one word. It's why I allowed Master Kenobi to sit in on this conversation."

"Contrary to my reputation when it's required I am capable of breaking the rules." Obi Wan added

"Exactly. I may know jack squat about the Force but I do know Kenobi, May, you and myself believe in protecting one man or all mankind."

"Because they're all worth saving." Coulson added

"That truth lives inside you Coulson. Before Shield was torn apart it was a lot of moving parts. You were Shield's heart but now you'll be the head." Fury said holding a small black cube in front of Coulson

Coulson reached out and grabbed it staring at it in wonder.

"What is it?" Coulson asked

"Toolbox. So you can build Shield back up." Fury explained

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now