1 New Beginning

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The back door to the police car opened and Elle stepped out. Immediately she felt the officer grab her upper arm and start towards the house. She didn't fight him, this was a normal routine for her, she just sighed and tried to keep up with the policeman's stride. He didn't bother to knock and instead opened the door and stepped into the old homes wide foyer, it smelled of Pledge, someone had been recently dusting. They were greeted by Rachel, a college senior who volunteered her time at the home. Elle watched her shaking her auburn head in disappointment as she walked towards them. But once she saw Elle's face, she let out a startled gasp and reached out to take a closer look.

"Oh, Elle," she said as she studied the bloodied lip and the cut above her left eye that would most definitely leave a nasty bruise, "of all the days." She said more to herself.

Elle knotted up her brow, what did she mean 'of all the days'. She didn't get to ask before she heard Mrs. Chapman's voice call out from the office. In the old days, when the house was first built, that room was probably a parlor for the ladies but now a hundred years or so later, it was the main office for the Aldridge Children's Home.

Rachel gestured for officer Bey to go on into the office. Elle would have sworn that he winked at Rachel as he went by. She was going to have to ask her about that later. Still being held firmly by officer Beys grip, him saying something about having learned his lesson, Elle fell in step. As she entered, she was smirking to herself thinking about the chases she and officer Bey had been on. She ignored anyone else who might be in the office. Why would she care, they were almost never there for her. That is until today. 

As she crossed the room, she only had a moment to really wonder who this man was that was scowling at her as she crossed the room towards Mrs. Chapman's desk.  As she stood there looking almost bored, if the truth be told, she found herself standing in front of a very tall and very intimidating looking man. She waited.

"Officer Bey," Mrs. Chapmen greeted rising from her cluttered desk, her voice tight.  Elle couldn't help notice her face was turning red. Though she wasn't sure if it was because she was embarrassed or having a hot flash. At Mrs. Chapmans age, it could be either, or both, thought Elle, it having been a topic from Mrs. Chapman herself many times.

Elle watched as pleasantries were exchanged between the three grownups but was becoming a bit unnerved when the tall man just kept staring at her. She stood there and grimaced, who the hell did he think he was staring at her like that? She was about to say just that to him when he finally spoke.

"Thank you, Officer Bey," the tall man said, his voice deep, not taking his eyes off of Elle, "I'll take it from here".

Take what, from where? Elle's mind started racing, who did this person think he was, "like hell you will". She snorted.

That statement returned the tall mans attention immediately back to her as his bright blue eyes narrowed and his face took on a stern, disapproving look. Oh crap, Elle thought as she looked up to the imposing man, that was supposed to be in my head. 

He didn't have a badge or uniform like Officer Bey, but boy did he reek of authority. Not only was he tall, but a good foot over the officer and with his shoulders squared, his rugged jaw set and his stance wide and solid, his mere presence demanded respect and for some reason that was unnerving to her.

"Well, I was hoping this was going to start off better, but here we are.....again," Mrs. Chapman muttered more to herself. "Elle," she said addressing her, "this is your new guardian, your brother Jake Steele. He is here to take you home."

Wait....what? Guardian? Brother? Her mind raced, there was no way that monstrosity of a man standing there all big and huge, was her brother, especially someone in cowboy boots! She didn't have any brothers, or sisters, or family of any kind for that matter. For the past twelve years of her life, it was her and her mom, well her mom for six years, but that was it.  She had no other living family members. This had to be some kind of mix up or something.

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