30-Update from Writer

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First I would like to say a big Thank You to all of you who have been reading my story and voting. Also another huge Thank You for those of you who have added it to your reading lists.  I am so glad you are enjoying it, you all mean the world to me.

I also wanted to just update to let those who were wondering how my trip turned out. The one were I lost my ID...oh so much fun...lol!  The trip itself was great, the rest interesting. 

Just an fyi...if you lose your identification in the states and need to fly and they do approve you, which will only be after you dig through your purse, wallet, bags anything you can think of to find anything to use as an ID.... they will apparently think you are a potential threat.  I say that because you get to be personally escorted through security, each and every step of the way and you get to receive extra personal screening...such fun! But I made it and still can't find my original ID, it is safe to say it is somewhere at the Atlanta Airport...so, there you go. :)

I hope you all have a great rest of your week...thanks again for being a part of my crazy world...Happy Reading :)

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