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Zach turned the truck off the main road onto the dirt drive way. Elle looked up at the iron arch way as they passed underneath. The huge black iron gate looked so imposing, she still couldn't help wondered why it was designed to be a gate when it was never closed. As they turned to go across the stone bridge she glanced down the dirt road where she had turned when she was running away that night. She couldn't see anything, it looked perfectly normal, like nothing at all had happened there. It was hard to believe that it had really only been two days ago, it some how seemed longer. She unconsciously chewed on her bottom lip as she stared out the window beyond the immediate horizon, she wasn't sure where to go from here.

Zach kept checking on his backseat passenger through the rearview mirror. She kept to herself, saying nothing and either looking out the window, or down at her hands. He glanced over to Jake. They exchanged concerned looks. They were both anxious to just get home and try to figure things out. Though neither knew exactly what that was going to look like either.

When they pulled up to the house, Cappy and all the dogs came out to greet them. Elle reached down and petted each one, smiling as Rosie pranced around her. Kaison having stepped out from the kitchen back door quickly walked over and picking Elle up, swung her around several times. Her laughter was like a soothing balm to all their hearts, something they all wanted to hear more of, more often.

"It is so good to have you back home kiddo." He said, Elle so wanted to believe him.

When he finally put her down, Cappy walked over and gave her a hug. "When you feel like it little filly, you come on to the kitchen, I made some of my special cookies just for you. Warm right out of the oven." He said with a smile that reached up to his eyes.

"Thank you Cappy," Elle said shyly.

"Let's get in first," Jake said chuckling, carrying her bookbag, he guided her towards the front door, "then if you would like, you can go get you some cookies and milk."

"Not unless I eat them up first," Kaison threatened with that devilish handsome Steele grin.

"You better not," Elle threatened giving a slight smile as she slipped inside, Jake closed the door behind them.

"How's she doing Zach?" Cappy asked as they stood there just staring at the now empty porch.

"Well, Doc said she is fine, physically. She's been real quiet though, said nothing the whole way back home."

"I really think we need to try and talk with her." Kaison said, thinking probably what they all were thinking. They just wanted to figure out why she ran away before she tried it again.

"Yeah, I agree. I'll talk with Jake, I'm sure he will want to do this as soon as we can." Zach said as he started walking away, "I need to catch up with James, first, I'll check back in with you shortly," He called out over his shoulder as he headed towards the barn. Kaison followed Cappy back to the kitchen.

Jake walked Elle up to her room and opened the door. The room looked like she never left. Lillie's mom must have come in and made up the bed, Jake thought to himself seeing as all the covers were not on the floor, where he left them and were now neatly on the bed. He set her bookbag down near her desk.

"Hey, why don't you take a shower and then go check on those cookies Cappy made." Jake suggested.

Elle nodded her head, she still wouldn't look him directly in the eyes.

Jake stood there a long moment, then walked over to where she was standing. She still refused to look up at him, Jake noticed, instead apparently intent on studying the carpet. He finally gently lifted her chin with his finger.

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