49-Time for a Reckoning

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Gage was in a deep sound sleep when he was suddenly being jarred awake. He struggled to open his eyes against a glaring bright light.  It took him a moment to realize it was just the light from his ceiling fan that was trying to blind him.

"Time to rise and shine!" It was Zach's booming voice penetrating his foggy brain. "Come on, leeet's go!" 

"What the hell?" Gage mumbled as he tried to shield his eyes from the overhead light that Zach had obviously decided just had to be turned on. 

"Just get up and get dressed." Zach ordered tugging on Gage's covers when he attempted to roll over. "Go where?"

Gage groaned, "And what time is anyway?" He asked as he reached over and grabbed his phone. He had to blink three or four times just to make sure he was reading the time correctly. There was no way he was seeing that right! It was showing 3:53am! What the hell! Ugh! He flopped back down onto his pillow. This is ridiculous. 

"Nope...Let's go." Zach said as he grabbed Gage's arm, pulling him till he was sitting on the edge of his bed. "Now you can either do this on your own or with my help. It's your choice." Zach offered as he stood there while Gage sat there rubbing his eyes. 

Gage snorted, "Like I really have a choice. Why so freaking early?" He whined.

"Lots to do today. But, hey, you should have got few hours of sleep in, I mean, you got in by your curfew right?" Zach asked as he stood there looking down at him his thumbs locked into his silver belt buckle, his stance wide. 

"Yeah...uh...right." Gage mumbled. As if, Gage thought to himself, they actually didn't make in till almost one in the morning which he would just about bet a thousand dollars on, that Zach already knew. This probably why they are making them get up so early...pay back for coming in late from their curfew. 

Gage stood up and headed out of his room, Zach followed. 

Gage looked over his shoulder noticing Zach following behind him as he walked across the balcony heading towards the bathroom they shared with Jordan. 

"Can I help you?" He asked Zach.

"No, I'm good." Zach answered keeping in step with him. 

"What exactly are you doing? Gage tossed back to him. 

"Just making sure you don't go back to sleep." Zach replied.

"Exactly how am I going to go back to sleep walking to the bathroom?" He smarted back.

"With you...anything is possible." He retorted.

Gage gave a snort as he walked into the bathroom.  Zach stood at the doorway. 

"What are you doing, now?" Gage asked his annoyance clearly written all over his face as he turned back around to find Zach just standing in the doorway. 

"Waiting on you to finish whatever you're doing in there." Zach answered unfazed. 

"Would you like to come in?" Gage asked heavy on the sarcasm.

"No, I'm good here." Zach answered. 

"Fine then." Gage replied emotionless, as shut the door so that it closed right in Zach's face. Gage had to admit it, he did get some satisfaction out of that. 

When he finally opened the door of the bathroom back up, he found Zach right where he left him. Standing right there in the doorway. Blocking his way as he stood there with his arms crossed waiting on him. Really? Gage sighed as he stood there waiting for him to move.

"Any day now Groot." He said, over exaggerating the pronunciation of Groot as he waited. Zach finally stepped back away from the doorway.

Gage rolled his eyes as he stepped by him and headed back towards his room.

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