54-What sign?

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Elle watched from her window seat as the sandy landscape rushed on by as they plane quickly gained speed as it raced down the runway. She could feel the plane lifting off the ground as it began it's ascent. She strained to see the ocean out her window, just one last time as they rose higher into the air. There it was, still so blue and so big and so wonderful. She smiled as she thought how she can now say that she knows what the ocean feels like and smells like and even tastes like. 

She began to feel the plane dip slightly to her right as it began to make it's way westward towards home.  She was trying not to be sad about leaving. She knew this day was coming but there was a part of her that kind of wished it never had to end. It's just that she had so much fun she just didn't want it to end. She watched till the last of the wide blue horizon had finally slipped from her vision. It was finally gone. It was only then that she turned her attention back to the inside of the cabin to find that both Jake and Zach were staring her. 

"What?" She asked as she looked back at both of them as they sat across from her.

"Nothing," They both replied at the same time. 

She knotted up her eyebrows, some how doubting that. They both wore the same slight grin on their faces. Whatever.

"So you had a good time?" Zach asked.

Elle smiled, "The best!" She declared. 

"Good." He replied.

"When are going back?" She eagerly asked.

"Don't you think we need time to recoup from this one first." Jake replied as he stretched out his legs and leaned his chair back making himself comfortable.. 

"Sure. How about next month?" She suggested as her face lit up.

They both laughed, well, it was more of a kind of strained laugh. 

"Yeah, I think we are gonna have to sell some cattle before we can do this again." Zach stated. 

"A lot of cattle." Jake chimed in as he rolled his eyes over Zach. 

"Well, that's what you do isn't it?" Elle asked, looking at them all innocent like.

"Yeah." Zach replied. 

"Then what's the worry. Just sell some and we can take another trip." She reasoned.

"Oh, Elle, love, if it was only that easy." Zach replied back with a hint of wistfulness in his voice. Again, with he and Jake exchanging those knowing looks with each other.

"Why isn't it that easy?" She asked. 

"There is a lot more that goes into selling cattle than just selling them." Jake said.

Now Elle was confused and her face was showing it. 

"I don't get it. You have cattle, you sell them, you make money, we take trips. Makes sense to me." She explained.

Now they both were chuckling making the others wonder what was going on that was so funny. 

"Yeah, Jake, makes sense." Zach repeated as he looked over at his older brother like he was expecting him to do just it just like she said. Jake just shook his head, still chuckling. 

"Hey, why don't you go tell Kais that and see if he agrees with you?" Zach suggested. 

"Okay, I will." She said her chin stuck up in a determined fashion.

Elle released her seatbelt and slid over to where Kaison was sitting with his laptop open. Plopping down in the empty seat next to him, she waited till he was done with whatever it was he was doing. He finally looked over at her. 

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