20-A Really Long Weekend (part 1)

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She had managed to find Thomas in the 7th grade hall but she also had managed to run into that bitch Lydia too. That was all she needed that morning.

"You aren't supposed to be up here." That twangy Texas drawl was really starting to annoy her now. Before turning she already knew it was Lydia standing there behind her.

She ignored her and headed towards the stairs. The five minute warning bell rang and she didn't want to be late, especially since it was Coach Wilder's homeroom class.

She felt someone grab her bookbag and snatch it off her shoulder, she turned around to see one of her guy goons holding it. He was a heavy set kid with acne, which Elle would have bet a thousand dollars she only used him because of his size, or worse the poor kid was a cousin or something. He was taller than Elle so he held her bookbag up over her head out of her reach.

"What do you want Lydia?" Elle whirled around and asked, refusing to be intimidated by her or her goon.

"I don't want anything. I am supposed to be here. You however aren't?" She repeated sneering, reminding Elle that they, sixth graders aren't supposed to go roaming the campus, though I doubt hardly climbing one flight of stairs would get her expelled.

"Give me my bookbag." Elle said as she tried to grab it from the goon who tried to play keep away.

'I am warning you dude, you better give me my bookbag or I am going to punch her in the face." Elle said as she looked to Lydia with a her own sneer. The goon wasn't sure what to do as Elle raised her fist.

"You can't touch me." Lydia hissed back, "if you do my family will sue yours." She announced to everyone there."

Elle rolled her eyes, "Whatever, just give me my stuff, now." The last bell rang. Now she was late. Shit!

"Come on Lydia. This is just making you late too!" Elle tried to argue.

In all her smugness, Lydia held up a late slip in her hands.

Her goon however, in his realization that he was now also late, lowered the bookbag as he looked to Lydia. "Hey, this makes me late too." He said now not finding this little game funny.

Just as Lydia tried to tell him he was okay because he was with her, whatever that meant. Elle jumped up, grabbed her bookbag and took off running down the hall and towards the stairs. She could hear Lydia yelling sarcastically behind her, "Goodluck!", though Elle knew she did not mean it.

Elle flew as fast as she could down the stairs and down her hall to her homeroom class. Coach Wilder was standing up front calling roll when she opened the door and slipped in. Well, she didn't slip in unnoticed but he didn't say anything other than, "Miss. Steele, tardy," and obviously made some mark in the book." as she slipped into her seat Lillie's eyes where asking her what happened. Elle mouthed "Lydia" rolled her eyes.

One day, she and that girl were going to have at it again, that she was sure of and when it did she was going to make sure she didn't just end up with a bloody nose. Geesh, she was finding Lydia almost worse than that Ramona chick back at her old school and that was saying something! However, at least she was able to warn Thomas about the cameras. She felt bad but he didn't blame her, neither one saw the whole Coach Wilder thing coming. She wasn't sure what he could do, if anything but at least she did tell him. Now only thing left on her agenda today, she thought with a groan......Mr. Strickland and his paddle.

She ended up making it through the last week and a half without getting into to much trouble, even made it through Mr. Strickland's paddling, again. You wouldn't think just three swats could hurt but it did, she really needed to try and stay away from that thing. It was Friday and she was on her last day of detention finally when she got called to the principal's office. Omg, she thought to herself as she got up, gathering her things and headed to his office...what now?!

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