38-Kaison's Turn

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Dinner was unusually subdued. With Gage squirming in his seat along with his red face and puffy eyes, it was easy to guess why he was quiet. Garrett, too, kept to himself most of dinner, though for what reason, no one really knew. Though Elle was learning that it seemed what ever one twin was feeling the other one always seemed to reflect the same mood. She found that strange and fascinating at the same time. 

She did kind of feel bad for both of them, she thought as she sat there watching them. There plans for Spring Break had been pretty much ruined and after hearing about what they were going to do for weeks, she knew they both were disappointed.  However, she was in the same boat with her own plans messed up for the week too, she thought, as she sat there brooding in her own thoughts. She shifted again on the hard bench. It seemed she too was struggling to find a comfortable position in which to sit. 

Jake watched the fidgeting going on at the table with Elle and cast a glance over to Zach who was also watching her. They passed that automatic understanding look between each other while Jake made a mental note to ask Jordan about that later. 

Elle was about to ask to be dismissed from the table when Garrett made the observation that no one was on the list for the task of helping with the dishes tonight. Ever since they started hiring more seasonal help Jake had started adding an extra person to help Cappy and Lorenzo with the dinner clean up. From what Elle was learning it could go from just the usual thirteen of them, including Cappy and Lorenzo, up to twenty plus mouths to feed during the season. So, kitchen duty becomes an additional chore during the season, or whenever Jake feels it is necessary. 

"Elle, you can help with the dishes tonight." Jake announced as he took a bite of his crackling cornbread swallowing it down with a swig of sweet tea.

Elle turned her head to Garrett who was right beside her, slicing him in half with an intense blue glare. 

"Thanks a lot!" She hissed.

"Hey, I didn't know he was going to make you do it." He whispered back in defense. "But, you're welcome, just the same." He said with a stupid grin. And to think just a few minutes ago she felt bad for him. Well...not now, she thought to herself. 

"May I be excused." She huffed towards Jake.

Jake, first checking to make sure she ate, at least at somewhat decently, nodded. Bristling she stood up and made her way to the dish bin. It's not that she minded, it's more that he said something and now she is now having to do it. That shouldn't be fair. 

"Jake?" She said as she looked back towards Garrett.


"Um, I think Garrett should help since he noticed that chore was missing." She announced rather loudly and trying not to sound to smug.  As she waited for Jake's response she only allowed herself a quick glance Garrett's way to see if he was listening or not. He was. Now she did feel smug.

"I think you can handle it by yourself." Jake answered her back.

Garrett snorted then tried to make it sound like he was coughing as Elle's smugness instantly drained away. Now she was mad. Damnit, it just isn't fair! She whirled back around snatching the gray dish bin off the counter. Shoot that thing was heavy. 

"Hey, you got that?" She heard someone ask her, it sounded like Zach, or maybe it was Kaison.

"Here, let me help you." Another voice offered, it was Garrett who was coming around the table towards her. 

"I don't need your help." Elle declared, though the strain in her voice wasn't convincing any of them that was true. 

"Whatever." Garrett exclaimed as he threw his hands up in the air while backing off.

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