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for cleristhebest...

Christmas had come to the Diamond S Ranch and it had been in great celebration. Jake had even loaded every one of them up and made them all go to the church their mother used to have them attend, for the Christmas Eve service. The twins said it was probably mostly for Elle, but also it was a nice memory to their mom. They caused quite a scene when all seven of them walked in, Elle still giggled when she recalled it. But it really was one of her favorite parts of the whole holiday season.

The boys really wanted to give Elle a great Christmas memory and they did not disappoint. The giant tree in the Study, presents, stockings filled, Cappy even made gingerbread so she could make a gingerbread house. She and the twins together, ended up making one. Well, really it ended up being a gingerbread hide out from the zombies elves, but still, it looked pretty cool. And Christmas morning they all piled into her room dragging her out of bed super early. It had been a long time since there had been that kind of excitement around Christmas morning. Cappy accused them all of secretly using Elle as an excuse to act like kids again. Jake wasn't so sure they needed an excuse. But for all, it was a good day.

She got a lot of great things but the one thing that she was super excited about was her new bike. Since their big Christmas dinner would be later in the afternoon with the ranch hands, Jake let her go on and ride over to Lillie's. As she was leaving she saw Kaison out back behind the garage adamantly talking to someone on the phone. He was gesturing, pacing back and forth, at times it sounded like he was almost yelling. She wondered if she should stop and check on him. But seeing how he was outside and on the other side of the garage, she was thinking he probably wanted some privacy. She glanced over one more time, just to make sure he was okay, then turned her gleaming new wheels of freedom towards the driveway. Gaining speed as she soared down the driveway, the cold breeze in her face, she soon forgot about Kaison and thoughts of showing Lillie her new bike filled her mind.

Kaison finished his phone call and walked back in through the kitchen door. Well, more like he stomped back in, he was furious. He stopped by the refrigerator and grabbed a beer and popped it open throwing back a big swig.

"Wow, well I guess it is almost noon." A voice said as he pulled the beer down from his lips. It was Zach.

Kaison wiped his mouth with his hand. "Yep, 11:49 to be exact." He smarted off, as he casually leaned against the kitchen counter. He was of age and it wasn't that early for a beer, he dared Zach to say something to him.

Zach's eyes narrowed on his younger brother. First, this whole grabbing a beer this early like this was not normal and his rather terse response wasn't either.

"You okay?" He asked. He could see Kaison appeared stressed, his facial features tight, his eyes dark. Something was going on. It was like Kaison was just waiting for him to challenge him, he didn't.

He watched as Kaison seemed to weigh some options in his head, having his own mental battle, then finally flashing him a quick, if rather flimsy smile, popped of an "I'm fine," then pulling himself off the counter, walked out of the kitchen beer in hand. Zach followed him out, watching him as he climbed the stairs presumably back to his room. "Why am I doubting it," Zach muttered to himself.

Zach poured himself another cup of coffee, geesh, they had gotten up so early this morning. He was heading from the kitchen dining area back to the den where everyone was hanging out when he tried to pass Duke who was sprawled out right in the middle of the floor. Completely and unapologetically blocking his way.

"Come on, boy, move." Zach urged, Duke did not even lift his head. Zach figured it was because there was a floor vent right there and he was enjoying laying literally on top of it that cold morning. "Duke, up!" He tried one more time. He sighed, aware Duke wasn't going to move and he was not in the mood to push a hundred pound plus dog out of the way at the moment. Instead he carefully maneuvered himself over the giant living rug trying not to slosh his coffee everywhere, "Fine, don't worry, I got this." He said looking down at Duke as he stepped over him. He heard Duke's tail thump a few times on the wooden floor, the only movement he got out of the dog. He shook his head and headed to the den.

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