35-Spring Break-(part 2)

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For most of the day Elle had managed to keep to herself.  It had mainly just been her and James hanging out in the barn and she had been okay with that. She had no idea where anyone else was, having not paid any attention to the board that morning, and that was fine with her, too. 

She really liked James, he was so opposite her brothers sometimes, very calm, nothing ever seemed to really upset him. Or if it did he didn't show it. When she mentioned that to him once, he laughed.  When she asked him why, he explained saying that he just learned a long time ago to just not get so worked up about things.  He also went on to explain that maybe it had to do a lot with his heritage. He told her that he was, after all, half Kickapoo Indian. Which she could really see in his olive skin and jet black hair which he wore long and in almost always in a single pony tail that fell about midway down his back.

He shared how he had been raised by his grandmother who was full blooded Kickapoo. How he been taught to see how everything in our world is connected spiritual, emotionally, physically, through nature, animals and people.  He learned to be patient by watching the cycles of the earth. You can plow the land and you can water it but you can not make the corn grow any faster than it will, he told her. She thought she understood what he meant, something about you can't rush things.  He spoke like that a lot, she just figured it was something he learned from his Kickapoo grandmother. 

But Elle loved to listen to him talk. He had a deep, soft voice and kind dark eyes.  And he always seemed like he was really listening to her when she asked him questions. And he just never seemed to get upset or frustrated at anything....ever.  Elle told him he needed to teach her brothers how to be like that...he really laughed then. James didn't tell her but he didn't think there would ever be a Steele that could ever learn how to not to be so quick tempered or uptight.

However, it was towards the end of the day while she was cleaning out the last stall that her peaceful time was being interrupted. She could hear Gage going at it again. This time he was pleading his case with Zach. Elle, leaned out the stall door looking to find where this, rather loud, conversation was taking place. She followed the voices. It appeared they were in the tack room. It's not like she was eavesdropping, she told herself, they weren't after all really being very quiet about it....well, Gage wasn't anyway. She slowly inched her way closer to the tack room, telling herself she needed to pick up something from there anyway. 

"Come on Zach help me out here." Gage pleaded to his next to oldest brother. 

Zach dropped the saddle onto the wooden post and then threw the blanket it over it to dry out. He then turned to his one of his youngest brothers his hands on his hips.

"Gage I've already told you, there is nothing I can say to change Jake's mind, even if I wanted to."

"I don't understand why not." Gage pushed. "It's not like I committed some major crime or something. Broke some kind of law. So, I was late a few times...I explained what happened." He defended.

"Yeah and Jake explained to you what was going to happen if you continued to break that rule, which you did. And now here you sit." He answered back still standing there not believing this kid was still arguing with him. 

"But Zach I've already paid for this trip and you know I've been planning this for months and how much I was looking forward to it." Gage said almost now sounding to Elle as if he was about to cry.

"Look Bud, I get it but like I said, even if I wanted to...I couldn't change his mind." Zach said his tone sounding a bit softer.

"So you agree with him." Gage spit out bitterly.

"Well, yes in the case I do." Zach answered flatly.

Gage stood there feeling his frustration beginning to rise, his hands knotting into fists. This was so unfair, he thought to himself, as these damaging thoughts began to swirl around in his mind. His Spring Break trip which was to start tomorrow, was ruined.  While all his friends would be packing up tonight and heading out early tomorrow morning he would be stuck here at this stupid ranch.  Going no where all because of his asshole of a brother and his stupid rules. He stood there silently grinding his teeth, willing the tears not to come.  Finally in complete exasperation he whirled around, practically running out of the tack room and nearly knocking Elle over in the process.

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