41-The Rocks

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After the dance they all headed out to the local Chop House for dinner, which was a nice treat for Elle. All seven of them gathering around one of the round tables definitely didn't go unnoticed. Elle felt like everyone was watching them as she slid into her seat next to Jake.  As they prepared to order, Elle feeling mischievous took her straw and carefully tore the paper only at one end, then blew it out.  The paper part of the straw shot out across the table hitting Kaison in the directly chest. She busted out laughing. 

"Oh, Elle, that's for amateurs'." Garrett exclaimed as he picked up his straw and removed the paper covering. He then began to tear off a piece and started rolling it into a small ball before putting it in his mouth. "What you need to do is make a spit ball and then..."

Kaison immediately interrupted him, "Don't you dare show her how to make a spit ball." Kaison warned as he shot Garrett rather formable glare. It was quickly followed up with one from Jake and Zach too. He pulled the soggy piece of paper out of his mouth and dropped it onto the floor. Which then earned another rather, can't-believe-you-just-did-that-look from Kaison. Garrett tried to ignore it as he rubbed the spit from his hand onto his jeans. 

"Oh, that's okay." Elle said, "I already know how to do that." She added with a grin that didn't quite look so innocent.

Kaison's eyebrows arched up, "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." He remarked more to himself as he shook his head and traded amused looks with Zach and Jake.

After their dinner as they prepared to head home, the twins decided to ride back with Jake and Elle, both calling 'shot gun'. 

"Sorry boys, it's Elle's night tonight she's riding shot gun. You two are in the back." Jake said he opened the door for Elle and helped her up into the truck. 

"That's fine." Gage said as he climbed into the back seat, "but tomorrow, your back at the bottom of the totem pole Squirt." He said with a laugh like he was still in charge.

Elle looked back over her shoulder as she secured her seatbelt, "Whatever. That's tomorrow, it's tonight right now...I'm up front. So, suck it babies." She said laughing, right before Jake climbed into the truck. 

They both exchanged astonished looks, mixed with a little bit of admiration. Their young padawan was learning how to stand on her own two feet. Which meant, they needed to watch it, she was getting good at these come backs. Which also meant, she could pull one on them, if they weren't paying attention. She was definitely becoming a fast learner.

Gage reached up and gave her a quick rub on the top of her head with his knuckles.

"Ow! Stop!" She cried out as she tried to lean as far away as she could from him.

"Just a reminder who is still older than you." Gage laughed. 

The ride home was quiet and Elle had almost dozed off when Jake parked the truck. When she didn't get out he walked over and opened her door. She pretended to be asleep.

"Come on, I know you are not a sleep." He said as he stood there holding his hand out for her to take.

"Can't you carry me? I almost fell asleep and that's sort of like being a sleep." She said sweetly smiling up at him.

She heard him chuckle as he reached in and picked her up. 

"Alright, come on you little faker." He said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and nestled her head on his shoulder. She tried to not smile but it was hard not to.

Once they made it upstairs, he helped her to get ready for bed.  He even sat down on the bed with her and removed the bobby pins Kate had used to pin the sides of her hair up. Finally she climbed under her covers and he handed her Mr. Marshmallow. 

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