44-Elle's Week of Lessons

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The Sunday night family dinner in the formal dining room had a kind of festive feel to it to Elle. There was a lot of conversations going on around the table sometimes one on one, sometimes the whole table. It felt good. There was laughter and teasing and loads of questions for Zach, who patiently answered all of them. Gage and Garrett were quick to point out how Zach's following on TikTok had grown, by a lot. Poor Jordan, thought Elle, though he really didn't seem like he really cared. 

After dinner she found Zach and the twins in the family room watching something on Zach's phone. He was sitting on the couch with Garrett on one side, Gage on the other. 

"What are yall looking at?" She asked as she walked in, seeing all three concentrating on something on Zach's phone.

"Watching videos of Zach's rides." Gage answered not taking his eyes off of the phone. 

"Can I see?" She asked as she made her way over without waiting for answer. Stepping over Gage and pushing her way past him, she squished herself right in between him and Zach making herself her own space.

"Really?" Gage quipped as she plopped down. 

"Come on in." Zach said as she snuggled in. He lifted his left arm as she laid her head on his chest. She breathed him in. His scent a mixture of clean detergent, Mitchem, his choice of deodorant and horse. She smiled, it was a odd mixture  for sure but it was one she was becoming very familiar with here at the ranch.  Strangely enough, it was starting to make her think of home whenever she smelled it. 

Before long Kaison had joined them so Zach cast his videos to the tv. This made it easier for  everyone to see now. Watching Zach up on a bigger screen, on those huge angry bulls being tossed and thrown around made Elle anxious. Soon, Jordan had come in and before long even Jake had dropped in. 

When Garrett asked who was doing the filming, Zach explained that some had come from one of the wife's of one of the other rodeo riders. He had went on to explain how she does it a lot for the other riders, which to Elle seemed really nice. A lot of them though, he explained, come from the fans sitting in the stands. 

"Doesn't it hurt when you fall off?" Elle asked as she was watching one of him literally being bucked off and landing hard on his butt. 

"Yes, it does." He said making no bones about it.

"Then why don't you just stay on?" She reasoned, craning her neck back to look up at him.

This brought a round of laughter from the all the guys.

"Yeah, Zach, why don't you just stay on?" Kaison asked looking over at Zach, his face lit up in amusement. 

Elle was a bit confused as she scanned the room watching them all laughing and giving him a hard time. It made sense to her for him to just stay on. Of course she understood that was the object of the contest. She just wanted to know why he didn't just stay on. Made sense to her.

"Well, when you can stay on top of a bucking bull for longer than eight seconds, then you let me know how it is done, missy?" Zach said as he reached over gave her a headlock then gently rubbed his knuckles on top of her head. 

She squealed as she tried to pull away but he had her pinned under those massive arms of his. Then he moved his hand down to her ribs and started tickling her. 

"So, you think you're so smart...uh?" He teased as he continued tickling her. She laughed and squirmed and squealed, he wouldn't quit till she started begging him to. When he finally stopped she tried to glare up at him, brushing her now messy hair out of her face, which was now all flushed. However, her blue eyes now lit up in merriment betrayed her, it was obvious she wasn't really mad at him. 

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