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Elle stood in front of the mirror and inspected herself. She had decided on the blue with white and yellow striped plaid skirt, which was way to long in Elle's opinion. She rolled it up twice, that was much better she thought to herself. She went with the white button down, blue pullover sweater and oh yeah, the tie. Her only choice for shoe wear were these ugly nondescript white or black shoes, which she hated, she chose the black ones with her blue knee high socks. As she stood there in front of the mirror she thought of how Deonte and Lindsey would have given her hell for seeing her dressed this way. She really wished she could put some makeup on but knowing that Jake would be driving them to school, she didn't want to risk it...not yet anyway.

"Elleana, we have one minute! Let's go...now!" Jake yelled from downstairs.

Elle grabbed her bookbag and ran out the door, throwing her hair up into a ponytail as she ran down the stairs.

Jake stood with the door wide open looking at his watch as she rushed past, three of the dogs scooting out with her. Gage and Garrett were already in the truck waiting. She jumped into the back seat, immediately groaning as her tender backside made contact with the seat. Damn, she had forgot about her sore butt.

Gage chuckled, "Yep, that will keep you reminding you to behave, won't it." He said with a wink. She just rolled her eyes at him and then winced as she gingerly resettled into the seat.

"Elleana," Jake said as he climbed up into the drivers side, "Let's see if we can get ready a little bit earlier tomorrow."

"You said 7:15," Elle reminded him as she leaned up and looked at the time on the truck clock, "and it is exactly 7:15, so I'm not late." She finished as she settled back into her seat.

Both Garrett and Gage cut her look that said, do you have a death wish or something? She looked at them silently mouthing 'what'? It was true, the clock didn't lie.

She looked back up to catch Jake looking at her in the rearview mirror. Those piercing blue eyes were narrowing sending warnings she was coming all to familiar with.

"I'm just saying," she said more to herself as she buckled her seat belt and slunk back into her seat.

The rest of the ride was uneventful as the twins put in their earpods and Jake turned on the radio to some country station. Elle just looked out the window, trying not to think about where they were going. All it did was remind her she had lost this fight and she hated losing.

Before long they pulled through the ornate entrance that announced you were now entering Kingsley Academy. A beautiful tree lined drive lead up to a old but very nice three store brick building. Elle shook her head, never in a million years did she ever think she would be going to school somewhere like this. They pulled up and parked in visitors parking and got out. Jake called the twins over to him.

"Listen, I know you can't be around her all the time but when you can will you please, check on her." Before he could actually finish they interjected.

"We will," they answered at the same time. Then hoisting up their bookbags they shouted their good byes to their little sister as they headed towards their area of the school grounds.

"Let's go," Jake said softly as he put his arm around her shoulder.

Elle couldn't help but notice the stares they got as they walked towards the building then down the hall to the office. It reminded her of how the girls looked at them, well at her brothers, when they were at the mall that day they went shopping. Some smiling, some giggling, some even flirting...ugh, it was so stupid. She rolled her eyes and ignored them.

They stepped into the office and a nice lady, named Mrs. Sanchez, greeted them.

While Jake stood there doing the talking Elle's eyes scanned her new school. So, this is what a private school looks like, she thought to herself. It was definitely cleaner and brighter, she noted, than her school. Even the kids looked cleaner, probably the stupid uniforms they all had to wear, she decided. And, she noted, there wasn't a single bit of graffiti anywhere that she could see...none. She smirked, she just might have to take care of that problem.

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