55-The Auction

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Note from the author: I don't usually preface my chapters but I felt that I probably should with this one. I am asking that you, at least, read the whole chapter all the way through first before you decide to hate, or not hate, Jake (or me). So, now....The Auction...Happy Reading...💖


It was Tuesday, only three days since Elle and Lillie had got into trouble for crossing over onto the Quartermain's property. It was late afternoon and Elle was sitting at the table in the Study putting a puzzle together. She had already done her chores, morning and afternoon and since it was so hot outside, she decided to find something to do inside. This, at the moment was it. 

She had her earbuds in listening to some songs from her list on Spotify, at that particular moment she was listening to 'I Followed Fires' by Matthew and the Atlas. She had created several lists with songs or artists that she liked, along with some that Jordan would play sometimes on his guitar. This was one of them. She was so engrossed into her puzzle and the music she didn't even notice when Zach had come up beside her. Startled, she jumped when he touched her on her shoulder. He motioned for her to remove the earbud.

"Hey, I need you to come with me." He said once she pulled the earbud out.

She looked up at him. Her face not sure if it should show confusion or if she should reflect being worried. All she could really think was...what now?

"Why?" She asked.

"I need to talk to you about something." He replied patiently.

Okay, now she was worried. What did she do now?

"What about?" She asked cautiously. 

"Just take your other earbud out, you can leave your phone and earbuds here and come with me...please." He said, sounding more serious than she wanted him to.

Well, she thought to herself, at least he doesn't sound mad. She laid her earbuds by her phone and pushed her chair back. Cautiously she started following him out of the Study. However, once she realized they were heading to the office she began to get really worried. Instinctively she began to slow down. 

Zach was walking ahead of Elle but could sense as he arrived at the office door, she was beginning to balk coming in. 

"You're not in trouble." He assured her, "We just need to talk to you about something."

She tilted her head back as she looked up at him. Doubt was in her eyes but she slowly walked on into the office. She heard him chuckle as he put his hand on her shoulder, guiding her in. 

"I promise." He said. When she saw Jake sitting there, she still wasn't so sure.

As Zach steered her over to one of the empty chairs in front of Jake's desk, he looked up. 

"What's going on?" He asked as he watched Zach direct Elle to one of the chairs and then sit down in the other one. 

"Well," started Zach, "I figured since we both are having to do the whole..." he paused. He didn't really want to say the words, 'bad cop' in front of Elle. He was afraid that would start everything off on the wrong foot. He decided to just skip over the first part of that word as he continued on. "...cop thing, that we could do it together." 

Now Elle was really confused. What did they mean by cop...thing?

"I see." Jake said as he moved his body to lean forward enabling him to face them more directly. He rested his arms on the top of his desk as he looked over to Zach. "So, I take it then that you haven't said anything, at all about it." Jake said.

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