14-Principal, Detention and Cheating

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"I'm coming! I'm coming!" She answered running down the stairs and out the door her bookbag in one hand, her jacket in the other. Jake closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as he closed the door behind him.

"You pull this stunt one more day and you are getting up at 5:30am in morning from now on." He growled as he climbed into the truck.

"It's still 7:15," she said, though more to herself as she buckled in her seat belt.

"Elleana," Jake said as he lowered his voice, his eyes sending her warnings through the rear view mirror.

"Just saying," she mumbled as she looked out the window. The rest of the ride was quiet. Even the twins didn't say much though they rarely do with their earbuds shoved into their ears.

Once they got to the school Jake parked the truck and they all piled out. Elle looked up at Jake confused.

"Oh, no ma'am," he said looking down at her, "I am going to make sure you make to the principal's office this morning."

She started to protest, he interjected, "You forget, young lady, how we met on our first day. Does a policeman escorting you in after you ran away from school ring a bell?" He finished.

Elle rolled her eyes. She was torn between being embarrassed at being escorted to the principals office, or knowing that she was being escorted because she had to get paddled this morning. Either way they both sucked.

Just as they started across the parking lot an oversized, jacked up truck roared into the parking lot practically ran over them before slamming to a stop.

Jake was fuming as he watched the driver jump out of the truck and march straight towards them. The drivers furious face matching Jake's.

"What the hell man?" Jake snapped as he threw up his hands. "You almost hit us." However, as the man continued to charge him Jake realized who it was and he dropping his arms his countenance immediately change frustrated to angry. Elle heard Jake bitterly utter the name, "Levi Quartermain," under his breath.

Elle alarmed, immediately turned her wide blue eyes to Gage, who instinctively put his arm around her. She was wondering if this was of the same Quartermain as Lydia Quartermain and assuming by his aggressive manner towards Jake, he probably was.

"What do you want Levi?" Jake asked, keeping his voice level.

"I want that bitch of a sister of yours to pay for what she did to my sister's face." He stormed pointing an accusing finger at Elle.

Gage pulled Elle tighter towards him while Garrett stepped in closer, both keeping a wary eye on Levi and daring him to make a move towards their sister. "She broke my sister's nose and she's got bruises all over her!" He practically yelled.

Elle stifled a snort, good, she thought to herself. Jake cut her a serious warning glare, she immediately straightened up.

"Your sister shouldn't have started it." Jake calmly answered turning his attention back to Levi.

The man named Levi turned to glare at Jake. He wasn't near as tall as Jake or as solid. He was thin and lanky, a more male version of Lydia. He had wavy blond hair under his cowboy hat and appeared to have chewing tobacco in his mouth because every now and then he would spit some juice out onto the pavement. Elle found it gross.

"Someone's going to pay and not just for those doctor's bills." Levi sneered, his tone threatening.

"Well, it isn't going to be us." Jake casually announced widening his stance and hooking his thumbs onto his silver belt buckle.

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