12-Next Day

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The next day Jake made Elle go into the study and try to catch up on some of her school work. She was coming back from the kitchen, having grabbed a few more of Cappy's special cookies when Jordan came through the front door. Apparently he had only two early classes on Wednesdays. As he walked in, she heard Jake call out for him to come into the office and close the door. She looked down at the cookies in her hand, suddenly they didn't look so appetizing. He was in trouble and it was her fault. With one last look over at the closed office door she stepped back into the study.

Jordan dropped his book bag on the floor, sat down and waited.

Jake finished the email he was working on and then closed his laptop and leaned back into his chair. He studied his younger brother. Jordan was his most challenging sibling for sure. If Jake said it was black, Jordan would argue it was dark blue or knowing Jordan, midnight blue. Jordan was the talented one in the family, he looked at things differently and he also challenged Jake the most. They butted heads, a lot, but Jake really couldn't be prouder of seeing the young man he was becoming. However, there were still times, like the one he was about to have to deal with, that reminded him, he still had room for growth.

Jake let out an audible sigh, then pulled himself back up into the chair and rested his arms on the desk. "You have been rather unusually quiet these past few days, care to share what's on your mind?" He probed.

Jordan was hunched over in his chair, head down concentrating on something on his phone. One thing Jake was well aware of about this brother of his, was that Jordan, was not great at hiding his feelings. You could always easily read them on his face, hear them in his voice or see them in his actions. He patiently waited.

Jordan could feel his oldest brothers eyes on him and he knew he was waiting on him to respond. He also knew why he was called to his office and the more he had time to think about it the more he found it unfair.

"Is this really going to be necessary?" He finally asked not taking his eyes off his phone. The bitterness in his tone was not missed on Jake.

"Jordan, you know the rules and how many times did I tell you to put that thing away...uh? How many?" He stressed.

Jordan didn't answer. However his clenched jaw and flaring nostrils did answer for him, telling Jake he was ticked off. He continued to sit there and ignore his brother and finish texting his friend. He then realized the atmosphere shifted suddenly and he looked up to see that Jake was holding out his hand and angrily scowling at him. With an very audible huff, Jordan put the his phone in Jake's hand. Jake put it on the desk.

"Answer my question Jordan. How many times were you told to put your four wheeler up at night?"

Jordan shrugged, "I don't know. A lot I guess." He admitted.

"Yes! And because of what happened, is the exact reason why I tell you guys to put things away. This place can be a dangerous and if we don't do what we are supposed to do someone can get hurt. And someone did and that someone could have died."

"It's not my fault she took it." He challenged, "What if she had taken it from the shed, what then? Would it have been my fault?"

Jake took a deep breath, reached up and rubbed his chin, trying to force himself to not rise up to Jordan's rising temper. "You are right Jordan, it is not your fault that she took it. And if she had taken it from the shed, then you wouldn't be where you are right now. But because you left it up here, again I might add, is why you are in trouble."

"I just feel like she just used me to show her how to ride it, knowing all along her plan to runaway." He said a of bit anger lacing his tone.

Jake rubbed his face again, "I'm sure she did. She is smart. She watches, she listens, she knows what she is doing....most of the time. I believe she knew you left it up here over night , frequently, and she waited till you did it again and took it. Not saying it is right but you made it too easy for her. Do you not agree?"

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