8-Homework and Heading Home

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Dinner had been absolutely miserable. First having arrived after everyone one else had already been seated and was eating was embarrassing enough but knowing that they heard everything that happen was mortifying. And then having to sit on those hard benches was excruciating there was absolutely no way to sit on them comfortably. The only satisfaction from the whole night came when Zach threatened to have Gage and Garrett join her in her discomfort when they wouldn't quit teasing her. At least that shut them up.

Kaison had come to check on her before she went bed last night. He found her in the darken room laying on her stomach, across her bed, looking out her window. He gave a half smile, he remembered adopting that posture when he was younger after just having his backside tore up.

"You alright kiddo?" He asked as turned on her lamp and sat down on the bed beside her. She ignored him. If there was anyone she did not want to talk to right now, it was definitely him. Seeing he was the whole reason she got a spanking in the first place.

He leaned his arms on his knees and looked down at his hands, he knew she was mad at him and he really hated that it happened. Not that he wouldn't have done it all over again if he had to, he just wish it hadn't been necessary to do at all.

"I'm sorry Elle." He said softly.

The silence stretched between them.

"No your not." She finally muttered into her pillow.

He sighed. "Elle, you know it's not my fault you broke the rules, now is it?"

She didn't say anything again for several long moments, "You didn't have to tell him." She finally said.

"Yes I did." He answered. He looked over his shoulder at her, "I don't think you know how worried we were when we couldn't find you." He explained.

She didn't.

"Elle, you know why we have told you to let us know where you are. I'm not explaining it to you again. Just know, we care about you and worry about you." He tried to explain.

She snorted, "Ha, you have a funny way of showing it."

"Hey, now, you choosing to disobey the rules has nothing to do with whether or not we care about you. You need to understand that." He said as he leaned back trying to get a good look at her face. He got nothing. So he reached over grabbed her around the waist. Picking her up, with ease, he pulled her over to him and set her on his lap. She winced. She hated how easily they could just pick up her and move her if they wanted to. But tonight she was to tired to fight it.

"You listen to me Elleana Grace," when she didn't look at him he gently grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him. "Listen to me, you are our little sister, you are our family, forever and ever. You don't get an out now. And being a part of the family," She tried to jerk away when he said that part diverting her eyes from his, he tightened his grip and forced her to look back at him. "Yes, you are apart of this family now and....and that means you abide by our rules and you listen to those in charge of you. It's been this way...well for as long as I can remember. This is nothing new. Nothing has changed because of you. It's just more likely you haven't been punished very often for your behavior...have you?"

She didn't answer. She looked back down at her hands, studying her newly polished finger nails, trying desperately not to pick it off...bad habit when she was upset or nervous.

"Elle?" He pressed.

"I don't know?" she answered. How does someone answer that question anyway, she wondered.

"Well, based on your behavior and attitude last few days, I would say that is a 'no'." He let her chin go and continued on, "Elle, since you have no parents, it's our job, as your brothers and especially Jake, who is your legal guardian, to help you learn how to be respectful and how to act and behave. And when you don't listen, or choose not to obey, it's also our job to follow through with the consequences of breaking those rules. It's so hopefully next time you will remember to choose to do the right thing."

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