29-Ups and Downs

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It took a few moments for the sound to register in Jake's mind that it was his cell phone ringing.  He finally reached over, clumsily picking it up, clearing his throat before he tried to answered it.

"Hmm, yeah." 

"Hey Jake, um, sorry about this Bud but I think you should come down here to the barn. I really think you need to see this." 

Took another few seconds for Jake's brain to connect that it was James who was calling him. He leaned up trying to get his blurry eyes to focus on the clock sitting on the nightstand, he finally saw that it read, 4:34am.

"Um....okay." Jake managed to finally get out as he rubbed his eyes, "I'll be right down."  He hung up and swung back the covers, stumbling in the dark he made it to the bathroom. He tried not to get all worked up just yet, he really had no idea what it could be but for James to be calling him like this...he had a feeling it was not going to be anything good. 

He threw on some clothes and was making his way towards the back staircase when Zach came out of the other bathroom.

"Hey, where you going?" He asked slightly surprised to see Jake up and dressed this early.

"James called said he needed me at the barn." Jake answered with a yawn.

Zach stood there a moment contemplating what that could mean, "Wait for me. I'll go with you." He finally said.

"Suit yourself. I'll be in the kitchen." Jake said as he continued on down the stairs.  Minutes later they were both bundled up against the windy predawn darkness headed towards the barn. Both worried what this could mean and both not talking about it.

The inside the barn offered more relief from the bitter wind that was blowing this morning than from anything else, it was still cold.  They could see James standing at one of the stalls peering inside and they knew immediately it was Luna's stall. They both looked at each other solemnly, so this was it Jake thought to himself.  Well, he knew it was coming. 

They made their way to where James was standing almost dreading what they knew they would see. Well, at least Elle wouldn't have to see little Luna's dead body, thought Jake, they could go ahead and dispose of it before she got up this morning.

As they approached the stall, James turned to look at them, he said nothing. He just turned back to look into the stall, they both followed his gaze and were suddenly met with a shock. There laying in they hay was little Luna. However, that was not the shocking part for there was also laying next to Luna.......was Elle....and both were covered with a blanket and both appeared to be sleeping and sleeping.....well....rather peacefully. 

"Well, I can say, that is not what I was expecting." Jake said as he leaned in on the gate and continued to look in really rather speechless. 

"Me either," Zach chuckled under his breath.

Jake turned to James, "When did she..." he let the rest trail off.

James shrugged, "Well, the last time I checked on Luna was around Midnight or so." James said, "So, sometime between then and when I called you. I stayed here tonight, keeping an eye on, well, on all of them. I didn't even hear her come in." James said feeling a little guilty for not knowing that she had done that in the middle of the night, " She even fed her." James said nodding towards and empty feeding bottle that lay next to them on the floor.

Zach took out his phone and snapped a picture. Jake shot him a quick look, "This is too much, I'm sorry, you got to admit it Jake, it's adorable." Jake gave sort of a half smile and shook his head. Never in all his life had he ever seen anything like it. 

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