56-Is This It?

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Elle slowly blinked against the sun's morning light as it filtered in through the white gauze curtains. She knew by how bright it was in her room that she had slept late. Like really late. Slightly lifting her head up off her pillow she looked over at her alarm clock. She couldn't believe it said 10:23am. Letting her head drop back down on her soft pillow, she laid there for a few more minutes. 

She reached back feeling for Rosie, but found she wasn't there. She rolled over, scanning across her bed and then her room looking for her. She then figured someone must have come and let her out. If, Elle didn't even hear when someone opened her door and let Rosie out, she must have been really dead to the world. 

Stretching, she finally threw back her covers, deciding to finally get up. That's when all the events from yesterday suddenly came rushing back to her mind. Like when a dam breaks and all the water instantly gushes forward. Everything that happened yesterday suddenly rushed to the forefront of her mind. It was like for a brief second when you start to recall a dream and then, elation or relief, follows when you realize it wasn't a dream. Everything came flooding back, from standing at the registration line, to the actual sale, to laying down beside her once they got home, it all came back. Luna was home...and for good!

With that realization now swirling around in her head she leaped out of bed and rushed to get dressed.  She wanted to go see Luna!

As she made her way down to breakfast, she quickly discovered, she wasn't the only one dragging in late this morning. Cappy, having anticipated them straggling in throughout the morning had been keeping breakfast warm for them. Usually Cappy was off on Sunday's and Lorenzo took care of breakfast, lunch and the family dinner. But knowing the family was most likely going to sleep in, he offered to keep up with the breakfast so Lorenzo could run to the store in the morning. Elle could hear him explaining all of that as she came down the back staircase. 

"Well, look who decided to finally join the rest of us today. Did you get enough beauty rest there, Princess?" Jordan asked teasingly as she placed a few pancakes and some bacon onto her plate. 

"I did." She announced brightly, "And I am guessing from the looks of it...you got yours too?" She shot back. 

"Good one, Sis." Garrett said giving his approval as she slipped onto the bench seat next to him. She grinned at his approval of her comeback. 

"Good morning all." Kaison greeted as he trotted on down the stairs, hitting the coffee pot first, anxious to pour himself a cup of liquid caffeine first. Grabbing a plate and filling it he joined them at the table, taking Zach's normal spot and sitting next to Jordan. 

Cappy came out of the kitchen, after pouring himself a cup of coffee he too joined them at the table, taking Jake's seat. 

"Cappy did you hear? Did you hear that I got Luna?" Elle asked Cappy. He smiled at the happy excitement in her voice. 

"Yes, little filly, I did hear the good news." He said still smiling. 

"I believe the whole county, heck probably the whole state knows about it by now." Jordan added wryly.

While Elle enjoyed her pancakes, covered heavily in maple syrup, Kaison, Cappy, with Jordan and Garrett discussed the overall results of the sales with each other. They were all that was left from the morning, everyone else having already come down and moved on.  Elle left them to talk about yesterday's sales with all their numbers and stuff. It didn't mean anything to her, she was just anxious to finish eating and getting down to the barn to see Luna. 

"Geesh, Squirt you could slow down a bit." Garrett chided with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, you almost look like your brother here when he eats." Cappy noted with a nod towards Garrett.

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