6-Uniforms and Soap

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Dinner had been relatively quiet. It having been a Saturday night most of the guys were all out doing there own things. Some still out somewhere on the ranch, some out with friends, while apparently Zach and Kaison were wrapped up in some business emergency in Kaison's office. Jake had explained to her that the ranch wasn't their only business. That their father had other companies as well, which Zach oversaw, whatever that all really meant. All she knew is it was just her, Cappy and Jake for dinner. Even Cappy's helper, Lorenzo had plans that night.

Later as she wandered about the large old home, it feeling so empty with everyone somewhere else, she started missing her home. It wasn't that the children's home was great, probably had to do with she wasn't subject to so many "rules", like here. Well, not any she had to really obey. Not like here. Her home, her old life, her friends just seemed so far away. Back home when she wanted to see them, she just snuck out and went to hang with them. As she settled in for the night she sighed, how was she ever going to get back. She reached over and turned out the light, pulling the covers up around her, a tear fell on her pillow. It all felt so...so, helpless but unknowingly, she would find that the next day would offer a possible solution to getting back home.

It was the sound of a persistent knocking that drew her out of a deep sleep.

"Good morning," Jake greeted as he stepped into her room. She really was beginning to wonder why they even bothered to knock.

"What time is it?" She whined as she tried to get her eyes to focus. The room was still dark and Jake had turned on her lamp by her bed.

"6:00am...time to get up and get some breakfast." He announced. She grunted, rolled over pulling the covers over her head. He can not be serious.

She felt a cool breeze as the covers were jerked off of her, exposing her to the coolness of a fall morning.

"Ugh!," she groaned.

"Come on, let's go." Jake insisted. "We have a lot to do today and a good breakfast is the best way to start your day." Did he really just quote a breakfast commercial?

"No thank you," she replied, grabbing the covers again and laying back down.

The room fell silent for a moment...good, maybe he had actually decided to leave her alone, yes, she thought as she snuggled into her pillow......wrong.

Suddenly the covers were ripped away and she felt a hand grab her foot and start pulling her towards the edge of the bed.

"Okay...okay!" she half squealed and half whined, "I'm up!"

"Good," Jake announced, "See you downstairs in five minutes."

Elle rolled her eyes and groaned again.

"And, don't forget to make your bed and straighten up your bathroom this morning, either." He reminded her as she looked about the bed, finding all her sheets and her comforter were now on the floor. Really? She rolled her eyes again.

Finally she emerged from her room following the sounds of boisterous conversations as she shuffled her way to the kitchen dining area. She paused about half way down the back staircase, it opened up at that point so she was able to peer down and see the long kitchen table below. Even though it was still not completely full, seeing all those guys down there sitting around the table including her brothers, it was intimidating. Pushing a stray tendril of her hair behind her ear and unconsciously biting her lower lip she slowly edged her way to the bottom of the staircase.

Jake was at the end, of course, but scattered in between her other remaining brothers was James and Cole, she had met yesterday and three other people she didn't recognize. All eyes turned to her as made her way down the last few steps, her face grew hot. Why were they all looking at her, did she suddenly grow another head or something?

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