34-Spring Break (part 1)

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Since coming in so late last night, Jake let the girls sleep in. Well, that and he was sure they stayed up talking even later.  When they finally woke up it was after nine in the morning. Elle stretched and rolled over, groaning as the events of the last night came flooding back into her memory. Oh yeah...the fight with Lydia. She rolled back over to look at Lillie who was stirring beside her. She too, had a swollen lip, though not looking as bad as it did last night, a few scratches on her face and what looked like a bit of a purple popping up under her right eye. 

"How do you feel?" Elle asked.

"Like someone ran over me with a truck." Lillie answered.

"Yeah, me too."  

"How do I look?" Lillie asked.

Elle scrunched up her face, "Kind of like you might have got drug by the truck that hit you." She laughed, she then found it hurt her right side to laugh, which just made her laugh harder.

"It's not like you look any better." Lillie countered looking at Elle's bandaged forehead she too was sporting a few scratches and a possible black eye.  

"I just hope Lydia looks worse." Elle said, "I know I got a few good swings in there." She couldn't help smiling when she said it. Just then there was a knock and Kaison stepped in, the door wouldn't shut all the way still.  He walked in carrying some gray crutches.

"Good morning, sleepyheads." He said as he greeted them both. "How are both of you feeling this morning?" He asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed on Elle's side. She was still laying down, he leaned over and brushed her hair back from her forehead as he studied her bandage.  It looked good. He then gently ran his thumb over the bruise under her eye giving her an accompanying dissatisfied grunt. 

"What?" Elle innocently asked.

Kaison pursed his lips, "As if you don't know." He admonished, "You better get that urge to fight under control. Jake isn't always going to be so, uh, accepting. You do know that don't you?" He asked as he looked directly into her blue eyes. 

"This wasn't my fault." She explained...again.

"Well, fault or not...young lady." Kaison said, "You need to control your temper."

Elle knotted up her eyebrows and immediately looked over at her broken door. Did he really just say that to her? She looked back at Kaison, her face still knotted up.

"Yeah, I know." He admitted, knowing how he was sounding a bit double standard at the moment. However, even if she did have a point, she was a still a little girl and he was not going to budge on that fact that she needed to learn to control her temper. He let out a sigh, dropping the subject as he moved to inspect the scratches on her face. 

"And Lillie your Mom is here to pick you up." He added, still inspecting Elle's face. Lillie climbed out of the warm bed, grabbed her clothes and headed towards the bathroom.

"You need to keep it dry." He said to Elle as he studied her wound. "However, you really need to wash your hair." He said as he noticed how it still had grains of dirt from last night still buried deep into her scalp. 

"Thanks." She replied sarcastically, "And exactly how am I to do that and keep this bandage dry?" Elle asked looking up at him. 

"When you get done with your bath. I said bath, not shower, call me, I help you down the stairs, if you need it and I'll wash your hair." Kaison said as he stood up.

Elle looked up at him funny, like he had just grown a third eyeball or something. He smiled. "I'm going to wash your hair the way my Mom used to when we were little." Now Elle was confused and envisioning things like taking them out to the barn and hosing them down or something like that. Kaison laughed. 

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