53-A Mine, A New Owner, A Trip

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Jake awaken earlier than he would have liked but with all the commotion from the middle of the night last night, at least he did get some rest. Just as he was making his was down the stairs searching out a warm cup of coffee he spotted Jordan and Kaison already up and apparently about to head out the door.

"You two are up really early this morning." Jake commented as he made his way to the one of the full coffee pots that was ready and waiting. 

"Yeah, well, we uh, wanted to check something out early this morning." Jordan answered as both he and Kaison stood up from the table and made their way to the dish bin.

"What are you checking out?" He asked.

"We'll, ah, fill you in when we get back if it's what we think it is." Kaison said as he and Jordan scooted on out through the mud room. 

"Well, alright then." Jake said, more to himself, as he took a nice long sip of his coffee, eager for the caffeine to start working. He looked up and saw Zach shuffling in. 

"Where are they off to so early?" He asked with a nod towards the, now empty doorway, as he  had the same idea as Jake, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"They didn't say. They just said if it was what they think it is, they'll tell me later. Whatever that means." Jake finished into his cup of coffee. 

Zach wrinkled up his forehead as he pondered what in the world they were talking about. He really had no idea.

"Did you get any rest last night?" Zach asked as sat down next to Jake at the island. 

"Some, but I kept waiting for them to come running back upstairs any minute." He confessed.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Did they?" Zach asked.

"No, at least, I didn't hear anything from them again last night at all." Jake replied.

"You know Cappy is right though. Something about little girls in the house just changes the atmosphere in a home." Zach said with a chuckle. 

"Yeah, especially in the middle of the night." Jake replied wryly. 


Jordan and Kaison came riding back about an hour and half later. They had Jake and Zach meet them at the barn. It wasn't quite 8:30am yet, from what Jake could tell the girls where still a sleep. At least, it was still really quiet downstairs on that side of the house, so he was assuming they were still asleep. 

He walked down to the barn where both Jordan and Kaison had tied off their horses at the hitching posts outside of the barn. It was just easier to do that if you weren't done riding your horse for the day instead of walking in them all the way back into the stall. It was there they both were waiting, Zach was there too.

"So, I take it you found whatever it was you went looking for." Jake said as he made his way towards where they were standing. 

"Unfortunately." Jordan replied. 

Jake stopped, resting his thumbs in the top of his pockets and waited. Jordan looked to Kaison. 

"It seems," Kaison began, "that some kids have gotten into the mine again." 

Jake's face immediately fell into a scowling concern. Kaison continued. 

"There were some boards that had been taken down and you could see foot prints all over the place. Outside and..." He paused a moment as he looked from Jordan, to Zach to Jake, "...inside." He finished. Now that brought concern to both Jake and Zach.

"Fresh...small footprints." Jordan added.

"What are you saying?" Jake asked.

"I'm saying, if you put two and two together,  I think you can probably figure out who was at them mine yesterday." Kaison replied.

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