52-Summer Mischief

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Summer was now in full swing. The days were long with the sun rising early signaling the start of a new and, almost always guaranteed, hot day.  The sun would ride across the scorching blue sky till it would drop down into the western horizon, late into the evening. Painting streaks of deep blues and lavenders in it's wake as it slipped on over into some else's tomorrow.

Elle had fallen into a rather nice routine now, slightly different from her school routine. She'd wake up and thank goodness not quite as early as her school days, and head down for breakfast. She'd then come back up and get ready for the day. Do her chores, which pretty much stayed the same as they were doing the school year. Once they were done she and Lillie would take off to do something fun. Some days it was go to their hideout, somedays their fort, or somedays just roaming around, exploring. There were also days she still would take riding lessons with one of her brothers, with Zach and Kaison being the primary ones. She was actually getting more comfortable with it and doing really good. Well, that's what they kept telling her.

Meredith was back and all three hadn't yet got together. It was Wednesday, just a few days past their big Kid's Camp week. Elle had an idea to see if she could sweet talk one of her brother's into taking her and Lillie to meet Meredith at the bowling alley. She was on number three when she and Lillie approached Gage who was apparently lying under the Jeep working on it. The hood was open, so Ellie placed her knees up on the bumper and leaned over, looking through the engine, Lillie joined her. 

"Hi, Gage." Elle said cheerfully as she pulled herself up onto the bumper of the Jeep. 

"Hi, Elle." Gage replied from underneath the motor, his tone was more, uh, reserved. He was wondering what she wanted. 

"Hi, Gage." Lillie said, joining them sounding just as cheerful.

"Hi, Lillie." Gage repeated.

"What cha doing?" Elle asked. 

"Trying to keep this ole' girl running." Gage answered.

"Um, Gage?" 

"Yes, Elle." Gage asked keeping his focus on the task at hand.

"I was wondering if you would take me and Lillie to the bowling alley to meet Meredith up there?" 

"Elle, you do know I'm grounded, right?" He answered. 

"I know, but I got to thinking that Jake might let you just take us up there."  She said.

"And why do you think that?" He asked. 

"Everyone else is busy, or not here...and we're bored." She said rather glumly.

"Don't let Jake hear you say that." Gage warned as he scooted out from underneath the Jeep. "Or Zach...or Kaison, for that matter." He said as he stood up and walked over to the big red toolbox that stood on rolling casters. "They'll make you pick a chore from the extra chore board. Trust me when I tell you, those are not fun." 

"I know." Elle flippantly replied. 

In truth, she did know she really did need to more careful about whining about being bored, especially around the older three.  There were a few things on that list she really did not want do.

"Please Gage, you can at least try. For me, your favorite sister." She pleaded, flashing him that sweet, sappy smile and looking up a him with a sad puppy dog look. 

He lowered his eyes at her. Dang, if he didn't look like a mini Jake when he did that.

"Elle, I'm not going to go ask Jake." He stated firmly but very nicely.

"What if I ask him?"

"Knock yourself out." 

"What if we ask him together?" She suggested her eyes wide.

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