24-In Trouble

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Officer Nolan lead them back towards the squad car, preferring to take the sidewalk instead weaving through the yards like they had done earlier. They tried begging and arguing with him the whole way, to no avail. They even tried pulling away but he had an iron grip on both of them. He just chuckled. Elle even gave it her best kick in the shins, for which had worked a time or two in the past. He stopped and let a low growl out, then looked her square in the eyes and told her if she did that again he would put her in handcuffs. She didn't try it again.

As they got closer they saw Penny and Meredith already in the back sit. "Well, this sucks." Elle said as the officer opened the door and had them join them. "I'm sure it is going to." The officer said as he placed them inside the back of the patrol car and then shut the door. Elle glared at the back of his head and tried to think of way of getting out of this. So far, nothing was coming to mind.

Penny was crying and begging to be let out. Meredith was trying to still explain her situation to policeman, through the closed door but they were not listening. Lillie was quiet and Elle was still plotting...basically no one was going no where.

When the officers walked away Meredith turned to them and said, "Hey, yall listen my mom will get us out, I'm sure." Elle was sure hoping so.

Finally the two officers got into the patrol car and started towards the police station. As they passed the Dollar Spot, the girls started snickering, well Penny didn't. They really tried not to but it was funny. At the last second, Officer Nolan caught sight of what he thought they maybe laughing at. He abruptly turned the patrol car around and once the headlights of the car hit the side of the building he could see a sign that read in large fancy freshly painted neon letters, "Lydia Quartermaine is a fat slut!". The girls started snickering again, this time they didn't do such a good job trying to hide it.

"So this is where you did you handy work." Officer Nolan said, he was not asking.

"Oh, no sir," Elle lied.

"Your snickering back there is saying otherwise." He said looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"It's just what it says is true and we find that funny, sir." Meredith added as she cut a look to Elle and they both tried to stifle their laughter. 

"Hmmmm." He said as he got out of the car and with his flash light looked around finding  a quite a few cans of recently used neon colored spray paint laying around. Along with shoe size foot prints that he would bet a million dollars would fit any one of those four girls in the back seat, if not all four, perfectly.

He got back into the car after taking some pictures of it with his phone. Before they knew it they were being ushered into the police station and made to sit in a row, together against a wall and wait. Meredith had been allowed to use her phone to contact Paul and he showed up shortly after they arrived. He was so worried and upset with them, especially Meredith. His dark face reminded Elle a lot of what Jake looked like when he was upset. Which only made her feel sick to her stomach knowing she would probably be seeing that exact facial expression really soon.

"Alright ladies, this is what we need from you." Officer Saunders started, "We need name of you parents and a phone number of which ever one can come pick you up."

"But they are spending the night with me Officer, can't my mom just pick them up." Meredith asked.

"No ma'am," He said shaking his head, "you all are being charged with trespassing, vandalism and curfew violation along with resisting arrest." He stated with a slight smug on his face.

"But we didn't really resist." Elle remarked more under breath. Jerk.

"Can he really prove all that?" Lillie asked Elle worried.

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