47- Fallouts

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The moment that bull twisted his body, leaping into the air, slinging Zach around, slamming him up against the wall, there was an audible gasp that rippled through out the arena. Every eye was now locked on Zach and that bull. 

After smashing up against the wall, the bull instantly lowered his head as he began maneuvering his massive body away from the wall. Everyone watched in horror as Zach's, now unconscious, body slid off to the side of the bull. His left hand still firmly lodged in the bull rope, was now leaving him dangerously dangling off to one side of that massive angry bull. And that bull was on one mission, ridding himself of Zach. Intent on doing so, he continued to leap and kick about, dragging Zach along as if he was nothing more than an really annoying old dish rag he was trying to throw off.

Elle stood there her hands covering her mouth. She wanted to scream but nothing was coming out. She didn't want to look but yet, she couldn't look away. What she was seeing was almost unbelievable. She was watching as Zach's body was being tossed around uncontrollably along the side the bull. She had seen this kind of thing happen before but something about watching someone you know going through it, made it seem so much more worse. She was silently cheering on the rodeo clowns as they immediately began maneuvering their way closer in to the bull, putting themselves in the way of danger to try and rescue Zach.

It was their job to first get Zach's hand free, then to move the bull away from the fallen rider and lead the bull out of the arena. What felt like forever as Elle watched, really was mere seconds as one of the clowns, running on the opposite side of the angry bull from Zach, reached up and grabbing ahold of the bull rope, some how managed to free Zach's hand. With in seconds, Elle watched as his body slithered to the ground. Once it hit the dirt floor of the arena, he didn't move. 

Not two seconds later, Elle could see that Jake had jumped into the arena and headed straight for Zach.   The three rodeo clowns were still trying to distract the bull away from Zach. Jake knelt down at Zach's head and upper body ready to cover him and protect him if the bull started to make a move for Zach.  While the rodeo clowns continued to try and release the flank strap from the bull and then direct him towards a gate. Jake stood guard. 

Again agonizing seconds ticked off as the bull continued to kick and buck around, dangerously close to the unconscious Zach. Luckily, though the bull didn't make a run for him and the clowns were doing a great job of keeping the bull's attention away from him. Finally, they got the flank strap off and the bull trotted off the arena floor. As the medical team immediately rushed the floor to attend Zach, you could have heard a pin drop as a sudden hush fell across the arena. 

As Elle watched Kaison and Jordan, not to mention Gage and Garrett rush into the arena, she bolted out of the stands. There was no way she was going to stand there while all this was going on. She had to get down there! She had to see Zach!

As she ran through the crowd, she could vaguely hear someone calling her name behind her. She was sure it was Kate but it sounded muffled, far away as there was this ringing in her ears. Her heart raced as she pushed and shoved her way through the crowd.  As she got closer to where the main chutes were, she had to push through even harder, as a the crowd had thicken as it  gathered there. Oblivious to any manners she needed, she plowed her way through. 

She finally made her way to the edge of the arena, hesitating long enough to see where Zach was. All she could see were his legs from about his thighs down, as he lay completely lifeless on the dirt floor. His upper body being covered by several people all dressed in matching black shirts. She took of running. 

She had only gotten about five, six steps in when she suddenly felt herself being picked up by her waist and being whirled back around. 

"Hold up there Princess," Jordan said snagging her and then whirling her around, depositing her back onto her feet. "We need to let the medics do their job and stay out of their way." He said gently as he pulled her back to where he and Kaison, along with the twins were standing. 

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