27-Flashback-Last Chance

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Zach stood outside the office door trying to get his courage up to go in. Maybe he shouldn't ask and just do it anyway. No, he told himself, he definitely could not do that.  Why was this so hard, he asked himself as he leaned against the wall, letting out a heavy sigh. He had just about talked himself into just forgetting all about it and leaving when he was called into the office.

"Come on in son?" He heard his father's deep voice call from inside the office. How does he do that? Oh well, now it was to late to change his mind, thought Zach, now he had to ask. Okay, this is it, just state your case, give him the facts and maybe, just maybe he will see your side he told himself.  Inhaling a deep breath he stepped inside his father's office, here goes nothing he thought. 

His father was working at his desk, papers strewn about as Zach stood in front of him. 

"What's on your mind?" His father asked, not looking up.

Zach cleared his throat and then quickly removed his cowboy hat having forgot to do so when he entered in. He now held it respectfully in his hands in front of him. He began.

"Um, well, you know that the Cow Pokers Rodeo is coming to Amarillo this weekend. Well, Baker and some of the guys were going down on tomorrow during the day and I was wondering...'

"No." His father replied.

Zach's mouth fell open, "But Dad, you didn't let me even finish." Zach argued.

His father patiently put his pen down, crossing his large arms as he leaned back in his chair, "Okay, fine." He said now giving his second oldest son his undivided attention.

Zach stood there for a moment, shifting from one foot to the other, his fingers unconsciously twirling his cowboy hat in his hands.  He was trying to gather up his courage and push past the intimidation of his father.....that, however was easier said than done. His Father was not a small man to be challenging.   He paused a moment, took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves.  Just calmly present his case, he told himself and hopefully Dad will see his side and everything would be great. Hopefully.

"I was wondering if I could go because my all time favorite bull rider Justin McBride is supposed to be there and it is rumored this is his last run.  They say he maybe retiring and it is my last opportunity to probably ever see him in person." He paused testing to see his father's reaction. Nothing.

 Zach rushed on continuing to plead his case,  "And it's Friday and I don't really have anything due in any of my classes and I am not missing any tests or anything.  So, please can I go?" He hated begging but for this he was not above doing so. He just had to go.

His father sat there motionless for a moment then leaned back up resting his hands on the desk. "No." He answered flatly.

"Please Dad, just this once...I promise...I."

Before he could finish his father raised his hand instantly silencing him. "Zach, I said no. You boys don't need to be gallivanting off during school to Amarillo besides I...."

Before his Dad could finish Zach jumped in, "What if Jake takes me after school?" It seemed like the perfect idea to him and no reason he couldn't go then, he told himself.

His Dad raised his eyebrows, choosing to ignore his son's blatant disrespect by interrupting him, "I'm sorry son, no...besides, I need you both back here tomorrow afternoon. We need to take down down the rest of that old barn over in the south pasture and move all the hay to the new pole barn."

"Why can't James and the other guys do that?" His shot back not even trying to hide his frustration now and wondering why they hire ranch hands if they aren't going to do the work.

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