48-Calm Before the Storm

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Jake couldn't help but wonder if the twins were okay Tuesday morning. In fact he kind of wondered if Elle was okay, too. It was just past 6:30am in the morning, he was sitting at the island in the kitchen dining area, enjoying a cup of coffee when all three came down for breakfast. And all three were dressed and ready for school. Just to make sure his watch was right he looked over at the clock on the wall. Yep...clock showed not much past 6:30am. Okay...what's up?

Kaison came in from outside, walking over to pour himself a cup of coffee, he joined Jake sitting at the island.  As he settled into the chair, he couldn't help but notice Jake's rather puzzled expression. 

"Are you okay?" Kaison asked taking a sip of warm liquid caffeine.

"Yeah," Jake replied, keeping his eyes on the other three, "I am wondering about those three though." He said with a nod towards the table where they were now eating their breakfast. 

Kaison looked over to where they were all sitting. Whatever Jake was seeing or sensing, Kaison wasn't getting it. Jake looked over to Kaison and could see his confused look. He elaborated.

"They are down here, ready to go. And it's like 6:30 in morning and...it's all three of them." Jake pointed out. Yes, he thought to himself, this is strange, especially when he was just hollering for Elle for running late not that long ago.

Kaison thought about it a moment, then a slow grin spread across his face. 

"Really? You don't get it?" Kaison asked his amusement not lost on Jake.

"Care to enlighten me." Jake said, less amused.

"There are only three more days of school left." He explained like Jake should by now understand but when he continued to just give him that blank stare, Kaison tried again. "They are just excited about school almost being over." Kaison explained. 

"Really?" Jake asked, if only they could be this excited about going all the time, he thought.

"Come on Jake, surely you remember what that was like, right? I mean, I know you're heading to thirty now but geesh, are you really getting to be an old man?" Kaison teased.

Jake just shot him another even more unamused glare. Kaison just ignored it as he sipped on his Columbia Breakfast Blend, though his grin said he didn't completely ignore it. They continued to nursing their coffee's and going over the days upcoming events as others sleepily wandered in filling up their plates with ham, sausage, eggs and some of Cappy's cat head biscuits. 

Just as the youngest three where about to make their exit Jake stopped the all three of them. 

"Hold up you three." He called out as they started to slid out after dropping their morning dishes off. They turned to look at him. "Now, I know it's the last few days of school but I would really not like to get any phone calls from your school about anything." He instructed. Elle wasn't really sure where he was going with this. 

"Meaning," he continued directing more of his attention to the twins, "no pranks." Both Gage and Garrett groaned. "I mean it guys. Just don't do it." Jake reiterated. 

Elle was curious now as to what kind of pranks Jake was talking about as she looked up at the twins and did this mean that they had done some in the past. But knew she would just have to wait and find all this out later. 

Jake waited for the twins to answer him. Begrudgingly they finally rolled their eyes and bit out a "yes, sir". Elle wondered why they didn't get in trouble for rolling their eyes. She didn't ask.

When they were finally released, Elle ran to catch up to them as they made their way across the foyer.

"Hey, what kind of pranks did yall do in the past?" Elle asked as they all gathered up their bookbags and headed out the door.

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