36-Spring Break (part 3)

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The rest of the Tuesday was quiet at the ranch...wet but quiet. Elle had cleaned up the inside part of the hen house but because of the rain she didn't really have to clean out the whole coop. She was not complaining. The guys did end up moving the cattle up from the south pasture, in the rain. Elle couldn't help but notice they looked and appeared to be pretty miserable by lunchtime. Cappy made beef stew and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, he said the boys needed something warm.  However, he knew Elle really liked tomato soup with grilled cheese so he made that special for her. It was really good, especially on a icky day like today. She stayed in the kitchen eating and talking having her lunch there with Cappy while he prepped food for dinner. 

After lunch, she asked Cappy if she could do something that might cheer everyone up on this gray rainy day. They came up with baking some cookies and went with chocolate chip cookies. So, she and Lorenzo, under the watchful eye of Cappy made dozens and dozens of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Gosh, it smelled so good in the kitchen. 

She had on an oversized apron, tied around her waist, several times, which by the end was covered in flour. As was it was also in her hair and on her face and on the counter and the floor. Cappy said there wasn't a surface in the kitchen that wasn't covered in flour. Lorenzo said a messy kitchen was a sign of a good cook. Cappy, scoffed but he wasn't really mad. 

Just so happen Kaison came through the kitchen on his way to the barn, no doubt drawn in by the sweet smell of warm cookies wafting though out the house. He reached over and grabbed a handful of the still warm gooey treats and headed out. Elle scolded him for not asking, as she and Lorenzo exchanged indignant looks. Kaison flashed her that brilliant Steele smile and slipped on out the kitchen door, Elle shook her head, she wasn't really mad. 

Next thing they new James, Cole and one of the new ranch hands came strolling in looking for samples. Following them a little later came Jordan and the other new guy. Cappy was starting to suspect Kaison had let on that there were some hot, fresh cookies being made in the kitchen. Mainly because they all had some really lame reasons for needing to come back up to the house. When Cole said he needed to refill the ice in his drink, Cappy just stood there shaking his head. Elle giggled. She didn't really mind, she found it funny, these big guys were kind of acting like little boys over cookies. 

However, Cappy gave strict instructions that they each could only have three each and that was it. They pouted but only took three and then headed back out to finish up their day.  Though Jordan did quickly reach back and grab several more before disappearing out the door. Cappy chuckled and shook his head...kids, he mumbled under his breath. Elle thought it was funny he was calling all these big guys, kids. 

After they had all finished dinner that night and the chocolate chip cookies they all had for dessert, everyone seemed to have disappeared. Garrett who had really stayed mostly to himself most of the day, disappeared up to his room.  Zach wasn't even there for dinner. Jordan and Kaison were in the other room playing pool with a few of the other ranch hands.  Elle was pretty sure Jake was in his office. So she curled up on the sofa, in the family room and turned on the tv ready to continue streaming Stranger Things. They were almost finished with season three. Buddy, the golden retriever, sauntered in, his tail wagging, jumped up, circled around three times before finally settling in close to Elle. She welcomed the company, sometimes this show could be scary.  

When her bed time came, after plugging her phone at Jake's door, she made her way up to her room.  She crawled into bed and leaving her nightstand light on and her bathroom light, she was not taking any chances on lights going out on her this time. She finally fell asleep after much tossing and turning. 

The next thing she remembered was she standing inside a house. In her mind it was home but different. It looked to be older, more run down. She was standing in an unfamiliar hallway, long, wide, dark. She started cautiously walking down the hallway peering through the open doorways, all the rooms were empty. She noted that it must be night outside as she could only see a quiet blackness though the curtainless windows. It seemed the only light coming through the house was from whatever light the moon was providing. She could see slivers of the silver light coming through the windows, stabbing into the darken rooms.  The faint light didn't bring her comfort if anything it made her feel more anxious.  She stood there trying to figure out where she was and where everyone else was.  She did not like this place and she definitely did not like being there alone. 

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