43-Jordan's Turn

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The next few days after the branding things seemed rather quiet. How could they not after the hectic craziness that day brought. Elle, overall, had a fun time. It was something like she had never experienced in her life before and she liked being a part of it. Well, most of it, she didn't like the part where Luna had to get her shots and stuff but other than that, she liked the rest of it. 

Oh, Jake had made sure to have the "conversation" with her the next day. And just like she thought, he talked and she...listened. She did notice he seemed to become quite upset again while recalling what happened in the corral. She really did feel bad about that. Well, what she felt bad about most was upsetting Jake, probably even more than almost getting run over by a horse and a calf. Well, that and when she stopped and thought about having her butt whipped in front of, literally, everyone, that was embarrassing. But at least he didn't spank her...again. She was grateful and relieved for that.  Though he sure did make sure she understood that if she ever disobeyed him again in a situation like that, how did he put it...he would make sure she didn't sit down for a "month of Sunday's", to quote him directly. She got the message. 

Today, Tuesday, they were late getting home, the Jeep wouldn't start at first, this wasn't the first time it had acted up either. It had become a bit of a sore subject at home, what with it breaking down and sometimes running and sometimes not.  While she waited, she went to hang out with Meredith and Lillie, at the pick up location, leaving Gage and Garrett to figure out what was wrong. 

At the pick up and drop off location there isn't really a pick up line for the students to wait and stand in. It's more like clumps of students, usually family and friend groups, intermingled with the single students all just lingering about, waiting in an open courtyard that sits between the elementary and middle school buildings. When your ride approaches the pick up area a teacher calls out your name that is associated with a number that is stuck in the front left corner of the windshield.  One thing Elle did notice, Meredith wasn't the only student who had a chauffeur pick them up, after all it is Kingsley Academy. Not by far. How far from her old life she was, she thought to herself as she waved at Lillie. She ran over to where they were both waiting, at least she could hang with them till either their ride came, or the Jeep started running, she thought.  

They finally made it home, almost two hours late. Grumpy and Grumpier had been snappy the whole afternoon, so she was very happy to finally be home and leave those two to themselves.  She slammed the Jeep door as hard as could as she got out, glaring at both of them as she slung her bookbag over her shoulder.  Grumpy started smarting off saying something about not abusing his vehicle, she didn't bother to acknowledge him or look back, as she huffed towards the house. She was afraid if either one of them said one more thing to her she might not be responsible for her actions and she really didn't want to get in trouble. 

She wanted Meredith and Lillie to come spend the night Friday and Saturday and she needed Jake to say yes, which meant she needed to be good. Which meant, those two needed to leave her alone. She marched on towards the house and went straight to the Study, dumping all her stuff off. Now she needed to find Jake and see what kind of mood he was in and oh, yeah he needed to sign that pamphlet she had brought home a while back. They had finally had their sex education class...this should be fun she thought as she headed outside.

She found him in the corral closest to the barn with James, Jordan and Kaison and a few of the ranch hands.  They had gathered up several of the calves and had herded them into the corral. These particular ones they needed to take a look at for different reasons. Some just double checking after their shots, castrations and such. Some had a few other things they needed to follow up on. Just making sure everyone is okay and giving any additional medications if needed.

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