16-Study Hall

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Hi Readers...just a quick message. First, thank you so much for your comments and votes. Second, I don't think you are getting my replies to your comments. It appears, at this time, I am unable to respond directly to your comments, it is something with my computer and I am working on it. I am, however, so glad you are enjoying the story and wanted to just say thanks again and...Happy Reading! :)


The way Elle's class worked for sixth graders at Kingsley Academy, was you had a team of two teachers. You would have two classes with your homeroom teacher, then two with the other teacher. Those covered your basic Math, Science, Language Arts and Social Study classes. Then through out the week they have other classes they take like Art, Music, and Physical Education. Sprinkled through out the week are elective classes like Tech, Drama, Visual Art, etc..., and a mandatory study hall time. However, for Elle, since she had so much work to catch up on this first semester they gave her two study halls a week. One on Wednesday's and one on Friday's. Now that they were closing in on the end of this semester, she was pretty much caught up and was bored just sitting around for an hour. That's when she had an idea and tracked Thomas down again.

She hadn't talked to him since she threaten to beat his ass for giving her the wrong test. She spotted him across the commons area and made a bee line straight for him. She sat down in the chair opposite him, reached over picked up his chocolate chip cookie off his tray and started eating it.

"You weren't going to eat this, were you?" She asked as she bit down into the crunchy chocolatey delight. She had to admit, the lunches here were good.

"Please, help yourself." He said, as she ignored the sarcasm enjoying the cookie.

"What do you want?" He inquired annoyed.

"Hey, you owe me." She reminded him, "I didn't tell them where I got that test, if you remember." she said still enjoying the cookie.

His face soften, she was right. She could have ruined his set up he had going here but she didn't. So, if he loses his favorite cookie, well, it was worth it.

"I need a favor." she said smiling sweetly.

"What?" He asked, waiting.

She looked around the room, again, making sure no one was pay attention. They never were. She leaned in, "I need two hall passes, for this coming Friday. And I then I will need you to show that me and someone else was present in our Study Hall class on that Friday too." She said.

He thought about it for a minute. "Who is your partner in crime?" He asked.

"Does it matter?" She challenged.

"Well, yeah," he answered, "I kind of need her name if I'm going to make sure you're both there with a hall pass, don't I?"

She reached into her bookbag and pulled out a composition notebook and wrote down hers and Lillie's names and slid them across the table. He looked at them and put them in his pocket. "I'll have your pass tomorrow." He said.

"You aren't going to screw this up are you?" Elle asked, giving him the side eye now that she starting to rethink her idea.

"Hey, Jeeves has got you." He said showing that stupid grin of his.

"Yeah, well if Jeeves doesn't," she threatened, "he will regret it."

He wasn't sure what she would do but he did however see Lydia Quartermain's face after that fight, so he had no plans on messing up on her again. That and she could ruin his reputation, just by giving her the wrong test like he did he could have lost a lot of his business. So, he was going to be sure to make it right this time.

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