"We meet again,"

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Caramel Arrow didn't know how she ran into that bastard again. All she knew was that they just bumped into each other in the forest, before breaking out into a fight.

"ARGH! DIE YOU DAMN SNAKE!" Caramel hollered at Affogato as she fired an arrow right at his face. He yelped as he hastily dodged it before casting a spell, unleashing his poison bomb on Caramel Arrow's back. She skilfully dodged it before running forward to Affogato and pouncing on top of him. "ACK!" Affogato yelped in shock. Caramel grabbed him by his braid and hair before she pulled hard. Affogato winced in pain as he too grabbed Caramel Arrow by her long hair and pulled her back, but the two eventually lost balance and fell down the slope. They screamed curses at each other as they rolled down the hillside, smacking into small stones and plants on the way. Finally reaching the bottom with a thud, the two wasted no time getting back up and attempted to kill each other again, this time however, with more of an intent to kill then last time. Caramel Arrow took her bow apart and ran forward, stabbing Affogato in the leg, Affogato screamed as he pushed her back onto a rock before smashing her head into it. Caramel Arrow did not go down that easily as she picked up an arrow that she dropped on the ground and stabbed it into Affogato's shoulder. The arrow had poison that would paralyse anyone who got hit by it. Affogato fell to the ground, wincing in pain while trying to regain his balance, failing miserably.

Gosh dang it! I can't die at the hands of her-! Wait... Do I hear... barking? It couldn't be...

But the two had in fact met in the bamboo forests, which were located near the milk villages... Oh no...

Caramel Arrow was about to stab Affogato once more with her blades when he yelped, "Wait! Can't you hear the barking? Can't you tell something else is coming!" Caramel glanced at Affogato in confusion before she realised it, wild cake hounds. Soon, a pup came. It looked at the two in confusion. "It's just a single pup. It won't do anything," Caramel Arrow said, skeptically glaring at Affogato. "No... NO! You don't understand! The moment one comes, there's going to be a whole..."

Affogato was going to finish when they were surrounded by the hounds.

"Oh bread crumbs. RUN!"

To be continued
(Sorry. I'm not good at writing fight scenes. But a head-Canon I have is that the Cacao kingdom is divided into two sections. The kingdom, where the castle is and where the dark cacao villages are too, and the 2nd section, basically the milk villages where the outside has some bamboo and trees growing. Mostly bamboo is on the inner layer due to how cold it is while the trees are mostly on the outer layer. What separates the milk villages and the cacao kingdom and villages in both the wall around them, and the liquorice sea. Thanks for reading the first chapter!)

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now