"Who is he and where is he?"

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Caramel stood before Affogato who stood still. A cake hound stood below him, whimpering in pain as jam was oozed from its wounds. Affogato held his weapon in his hands, staining them with jam. Affogato shakily lifted Caramel up before dragging her to the nearby milk villages. "You don't have to, I can still walk... A bit at least..." Caramel muttered as she stood up unsteadily, Affogato supporting her a bit. As they made their way to the milk village, a passing villager spotted them and rushed forward.
"What happened?" They queried, supporting Caramel Arrow as well.  "Long story short, cake hounds," Caramel muttered as they arrived at the village. The moment Caramel got into the tent of the sick and healing, Affogato dashed off.

"W-Wait! Affogato! Your hands!" Caramel Arrow screamed as she was about to dash out to catch him only to be held back by the doctor. "Wait! You shouldn't go!" She yelled. "Why not? He's injured too! He may have done bad things before, but he's still a cookie! Just like all of us!" Caramel screamed as she thrashed about on the bed. "Calm down Miss. Before you go save someone, you need to help yourself first. You won't be able to get even a mile with a wounded leg like that. Let's first get you patched up," the doctor said calmly as she bandaged Caramel's leg. Caramel winced in frustration at the thought of not being able to help someone. Even if it was someone who wronged her or had done something bad, they had a reason for doing so, right?

Caramel Arrow could only rest her head on the pillow again as her leg throbbed from the bite wound. "Miss! Your alright!" That was when the milk villager from earlier rushed in. Caramel nodded in response as she propped herself up a bit to face the young cookie. He looked around... her age? Yeah. Wait! Caramel Arrow did hear that Affogato used to be from a village around here. Maybe she could ask the villager in hopes of at least finding out where he went to make sure he got the proper medical treatment!

"Oh! By any chance, do you know that coffee cookie you saw earlier with me? You know... Affogato?" Caramel asked, a bit desperate to know if he was at least alright. "Ah... No...I've only heard rumours and short saying about a cookie like that that was thrown out the village... But you can't be to sure can you!" The villager replied quite casually. Hearing this, Caramel lost her patience and stood up.

"A-ah Miss..! You mustn't do that! Your leg... It's still in the midst of healing!" The villager yelped as he tried to stop Caramel from leaving the room. "I've faced worst. But for now, I need to find out about a particular coffee cookie,"

Caramel asked a lot of the villagers about Affogato, asking if they had seen him or at least know about him. She was partially hoping to hear about his past, be it a saying or true. She wanted to know why he would trick Dark Caco into banishing her. At least a reason. After quite a bit of asking and questioning, she gave up. She sat down next to the fireplace and sighed. She might as well give up. That was when she had an idea. There was a cookie in the village who supposedly knew all saying and rumours. The younger cookies often went to him to hear his stories. Surely they have room for one more!

With that idea and a small map of the village, she headed to where she believed the cookie was.

(Honestly speaking, the story feels a little cliche and cringe...Sorry if I disappointed any of you with the first few chapters already.)

As she arrived at the small hut, the old cookie appeared to be flipping through a book. "Good evening Sir, but if I'm right, you know a lot of rumours and sayings..?" Caramel asked politely as she glanced at the cookie. He glanced up at her for a single moment bedsore nodding and patting the carpet, suggesting she sat down. Caramel did so before looking at him skeptically. "Do you by any chance... Know about a cookie called Affogato..? I heard he was born here... or from another village..." Caramel asked, not entirely expecting a solid or reliable answer. "Hm... I suppose I do know... I could tell you. But why are you suddenly asking about this particular cookie..?" The elder asked as he placed the book down onto the ground. "Why... Well-! He helped me with something, and I want to help him to!" Caramel blurted out hastily. The elder cookie nodded before he started the story...

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now