"Where did he go?''

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Affogato sneezes had stopped completely. This meant he had recovered from his cold. He noticed it himself in the middle of the night. Caramel was asleep at the moment. Adffogato deemed it the perfect time to leave. It wasn't that he wanted to leave. He just never had the habit of staying somewhere to long unless he was ill or had to recover from an injury.

He figured that leaving through the window would be the better option. It wasn't locked too. There was even a small latch he could hang onto the close the window before jumping out. So he settled for the window. He wad in fact careless and let someone else see him in this act of weaknes. No one else. Today is the last day I allow this. He wasn'tsupposed to depend on cookies. He had to be independent. It was a must. He opened the window slowly as he felt the cold breeze slap him in the face. He crawled out onto the latch slowly and steadily before carefully closing the window. He trembled as he looked down. It felt so high up. He was only on the second floor wasn't he?

With batter breath, he jumped down from the small latch as he crashed to the ground. He fell face first on the ground as he unsteadily got up. His hands ached as his face felt cold. He spar out some of the snow that got in his mouth as he got back to his feet. His idea was to walk (or limp) home, but a certain cake hound seemed to gave other plans.

As Affogato dragged himself further away from the home, Oreo followed him, barking happily.

He jumped at the sight of him. "Oreo! Not now... not now... go back..." Affogato tried to coax the pup as he gently brushed him aside with his foot, both in fear of hurting the hound and getting bitten. Oreo clearly had different plans however, as he continued to follow him.

That was when Oreo bit down on Affogato's cape and tore part of it off. "Oreo! No!'' Affogato yelped as Oreo ran off with the piece of cape in his mouth. If Affogato had the strength and will to go after the hound, he would. But being a little worn out from his injuries and having to drag himself all the way to his "home", he gave up. Oreo wouldn't do anything right? Besides, no one could understand a small dog. So he went back inside the house, leaving Oreo be.

Caramel Arrow woke up the next morning and went to check on Affogato. As you would expect, she was horrified when she found his bed empty and the towel folded neatly next to it. His window was closed, and there was no sign of him anywhere. She rushed down the stairs, worried he might have gotten up and fell down the stairs, but he wasn't there.

"Father! Affogato is missing!" She yelled, waking the man up from his sleep. He looked up at her groggily, taking a moment to process what she had just said. The moment the info sank through, he gawked at her, a look of shock and fear in his face. "Did you check the house?' "Yes! He wasn't anywhere! I checked the garden, the kitchen, the living room, his bedroom, the stairwell, nothing! Nothing was touched or stolen, nothing vandalised, no broken things, and not even a note!" Caramel screamed as her father scratched his head. "Where could he have gone?" To Caramel, it was clear where. That was when there were some scratches at the door. She went to open it to see Oreo, with a piece of Affogato's cape in his jaw. Now it was even more clear. Oreo must have done something. Maybe even stop the cookie. Caramel picked him up and got her crossbow.

"Well, I'm off to find that idiot now," Her father nodded in response as she threw open the door and left.

Caramel's father glanced out the window as the image of his daughter seemed to fade into the background. He sighed at the thought of how she used to still be a young cookie. He supposed time passes by too fast...

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