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Affogato had been feeling something. Something. Whenever he got close to Caramel, he could feel his cheeks flush and his heart pound faster. He would become panicky and he couldn't think.

He couldn't get her off his mind. Whether or not it was a sad or happy moment, she would always seem so beautiful. Those beautiful words that came out of her mouth with so much knowledge and kindness, her gentle and delicate nature to the children, hugging them and presenting them small candies. Her desire to help everyone and anyone, no matter their past and what they have done. Whether they betrayed her or not.

So he asked Cold Brew Cookie.
"So you've been having such thoughts and feelings?" Cold Brew asked as he set the newspaper on the table. "Yes! I'm scared that it's just a crush and that I tell her I love her, only for me to fall out of love sooner or later!" Affogato screamed as she slammed his hand on the table, shaking the drinks. "Calm down now. Did it seem to come out of nowhere?" Cold Brew asked.

Nowhere? Well true, it seem to come out of nowhere. All he knew was that he slowly started to daydream about holding Caramel's hand and how nice she was.

"Why... Yes..?" Affogato replied shakily as he fed himself a spoonful of ice cream. "Then that, could be love," Cold Brew answered as he drank his own drink.

True love isn't like a crush. True love happens slowly, while a crush just comes so quickly before going just as soon. A crush just makes you fall in love with one's appearance. In rare occasions, their words, but mostly the latter. True love is where you fall in love with the person's personality. (This might not be accurate, but this is what love is like to me. Don't come at me!)

"I-I... How on earth am I supposed to confess? She probably just sees me as a friend or still secretly hates me! How am I supposed to not make it awkward for the both of us!" Affogato yelped only for Ice Brew to slap a hand on his mouth. "Calm down now...I can't give you advice for that as the situations differ. But just give it your all, okay?" Ice Brew calmed down Affogato.
Affogato left Ice Brew's home. He secretly still planned how to confess this love to Caramel. He wanted something slow, so she would still be surprise, but it wouldn't scare her. He thought for a while back at Caramel's home, thinking of an appropriate way to confess this... love....

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now