"Will you marry me?"

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Caramel's injury, quite miraculously as always, healed within a week. Which was it be expected. It was about 3 days after she fully recovered, and Affogato asked her to go to the cherry blossom forest with him. She of course agreed.

It was one of her favourite places after all. What better than to spend time there with her loved one?
As she held hands with Affogato, who took her by the hand through the forest. When they were nearing the heart of the forest, Affogato blindfolded her. "Where we're going is a surprise~" he said as he continued to lead her to the heart of the forest. When they reached their destination, he removed the blindfold. Caramel gasped. The trees were decorated with pink ribbon as small pink lanterns hung from the branches. Affogato himself had gotten onto one knee in front of Caramel Arrow, a small box in his hand.

"Caramel. I love you so much. But knowing your important duty, I don't want to risk losing you without this ring on your finger and the other on mine. Caramel, will you, my beloved partner, take me, as you future husband?" Affogato asked, as honey seemed to drip down the very words he spoke as he opened the small box, revealing a small diamond ring.

Caramel gasped. It was as if she had been waiting for this moment her whole life. The dream of someone doing that to her. Her childhood dreams, were coming true at this very moment! To fall in love and get married to someone who truly loved her! A true love!

"Yes! Affogato! Yes! I accept!" Caramel exclaimed, excitement laced her words as her eyes lit up.

Affogato smiled as he got up and slid the ring onto her ring finger on her left hand before lifting her up.

Finally, they kissed on the lips. The cherry blossoms rained down as their cheeks turned pink, their hair fluttering in the wind. The pink lanterns shone brightly, illuminating the forest in hues of pink. As the two finally stopped, the dropped to the ground, holding hands with each other, holding onto each other.

"Caramel... I love you so much..."
"Affogato...I love you to..."

As they faced each other in the field of petals, they shared another kiss with one another...

Affogato and Caramel Arrow storyWhere stories live. Discover now